Eagles' Nest

I water the Frankenstein’s with a higher nutrition program so the WR’s actually are watered from different containers… Maybe it could have been something in the last watering jugs before I saw the problem. We bleached out everything after I saw the problem. Some of the jugs hadn’t had a good cleaning in a while. I can’t think of anything different, as far as feed, light and ventilation.

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Flower plants getting a bit interesting. The nose on these plants takes awhile to ramp up. They are kinda meh at the moment.

The sassy Cassie smells way different than a few weeks back. Dank melon is what I’m rolling with atm :rofl:. Couple more weeks. Maybe three. Top bud looks done. Trichs say nah. Lowers are all throwing fresh pistils still.

Vegsicles - behaving themselves


Wow! Beauties!! :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs:
@Eagles009 Congrats! And these huge plants in small pots!! Defying laws there! Awesome!! :100:

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Thank you my friend.

You know what’s funny. I’ve been calling these my pint-size gtr since they are a good bit smaller than last run. I flowered them tiny. These plants just literally refuse to be small.


I had some two years ago the branches fell off the clones. The plants were pretty big too. It was dry rot. Something like that. The stems broke off like they were on the old tree. I believe it was the clones. They were real old. The mother was. I threw it away. It was like cork. And it look like cork. @Eagles009 I had one that went 90 days and didn’t get over a foot tall.


Ya Hafta Water them. hehe.


They looked sweet. Went to move the 5 gallon container. A branch broke.

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That could be… Idk. :thinking: I could see that if I didn’t have sufficient air flow, and the first one I noticed it on was the one in the back corner of the room and I thought all that foliage looked so cool I didn’t want to thin them out.
Anyway, I can see that what is left is healthy ( they just look funny ). It just needs a bit to recuperate before flip. I am notorious for being slow to flip. These are going to be monsters if I don’t get my rear in gear.


Is that a dry humor joke? Lol sorry Eagle. Party some where. We play in his nest when he is gone. But I have some of his.

I think this is his Mac and chezzzzz cross. Very tasty.


God Damn The Dope Man!!! :star_struck:

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Couple decades ago :wink:


lol referencing Pulp Fiction :slight_smile:

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Lol man I’m not sure what you got there but I do think I see some SD x SD influence in that bud…maybe the lemon skunk cross? Could be the blue lights cross? I never had any Mac…but I’m gonna make a buffalo Mac and cheese strain some day. Book it.

And why not


those are good lookin babies. I love Mac its one of my go to strains for med. This is last years Anesia seeds Mac 28% perfect 50/50 got 30 oz of her. Peace


Damn dude that’s a beast.

This is one cool looking clone


You’re right about that. :face_with_monocle:
Very nice.

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Weird how starving them brings out beauty you don’t ever see otherwise. I grew the same plant. One starved last few weeks, one fed to finish. The starved plant was so much prettier.

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Yeah, it’s amazing how much a plant can differ depending on environment. Remember that beautiful purple my GDP had last grow? This time, same mother plant, she has buds that are more dark blueish with purple highlights. The only difference is this time around the temps have been kept lower by about seven degrees and I’m using higher doses of fertilizer (N and Potassium rich nutes along with my regular trio of nutrients). They seem to like it.


that is cool. these blackberry fire clones I got are doing the same with black :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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Everybody coming along nicely. :grin:
Dropped a couple Cheech wizard the other day. One up. I didnt get either above ground last time but that was probably my fault. I forget what happened honestly.