EarthBox vs. RainScience Bag

Love the diversity in your tent, especially the back row.



I have been holding back getting some earthboxes for a bit. They would be super fun but also complicate everything I am already doing lol. Still considering it thoughā€¦



  1. They only hold 1 cubic foot but take up the space of 4.

  2. Havenā€™t seen one come close to standard 15 gallon pots.

  3. If itā€™s capillary irrigation your after, get fabric pots some pander film and some dog kennel drip trays

Nice threadā€¦couple thingsā€¦I have always objected to the huge loss in humidity that comes out the side of the felt bags. I was impressed by the bags and the soil structure vid. While you have definitely made a case for the earthbox afaict it might not be such a big difference if you structured the soil as the linked vid. Also he makes a big deal out of using the right innoculants to get things going.

Further I was unable to find these bags that he used in the linked vid.

That is a little more than a smart pot I canā€™t find those anywhere. Might have to actually fabricate them.


Aah the living soil Grassroots pots. They are made the same as my raised beds and have the moisture barrier in the center of the side walls. Some people wrap their beds or pots with some plastic wrap around the center to achieve this if they donā€™t want to buy new pots/bags/beds if it is something they are after.


I had considered something like thatā€¦not all plastics are created equally though. I suppose anything that is food safe would work.


If anyone can, you can do itā€¦lol

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Thanks @Gpaw I do enjoy my sativas.


@bassman5420 as I said they are not for everyone depending on how and why you are growing. I will say from a time stand point, they are by far the easiest and less time consuming way I have grown.

@Peg you are right, the will not come close to a 15 gallon pot. However, the junior is only 3.5 gallons so it shouldnā€™t. The Original one holds 7 gallons of soil. They take up the space of a 10 gallon bag. Maybe you have, but I have never grown a plant as big as this Jack in a 3 gallon pot. If you tried you would be watering it constantly, probably need a drip system. Have to top dress it frequently. Seems like a lot of work and space needed.

Here is what I learned for me so far with the Earthbox.

They are a lot less maintenance than growing in any bag up to 10 gallons, maybe 15.

It is really easy to see if and when they need water.

Can be done water only with just 3.5 gallons of soil

I feel you get some of the benefits of growing hydro, with the security and forgiveness of soil.

You do not have to top dress as much as other ways.

Dis-advantages are:

Space taken

Possibility of Fungus Gnats

Limited on what you can add to the water if you want.

For a new grower, or someone who has limited space and time the box would be good. @Joker uses the Octopots. Same concept, seems to be a smaller footprint. Most likely will try one of those against an Earthbox



Easiest thing on earth to feed.


Wow. Preachy much? Been here a whole 2 days and telling people not to try new things. And yeah, I bet a 15 gal container can grow a beast. What the hell does that have to do with this thread?

@Old-Ron was just documenting a side by side experiment he is trying. Donā€™t like the sips? Fine. Want to make a diy? Great. I am a big believer in the Octopots. Some donā€™t like them. Great. Everyoneā€™s environment, grow style, lighting etc. are always different.

Have a nice day! :grin:


There is a square one


Wow! What a difference! Trying to get caught up bro! Looking great in there!


Ya sometimes itā€™s hard to find them grass root pot available but I was thinking like Tyvek barrier sheet wrapped around also ā€¦ so many new things to try but my Eye is on earth boxes now always a want to try them with cannabis; Alan abikison ā€¦ hopefully I didnā€™t butcher the name grows some good sized plants in them using the Kobashi type grow methods


I have looked at those too. Should be a smaller footprint than the planter style.


Might be available at your local Walmart too! If you can brave those places nowadays! Lol


My buddy @Joker grows in those. He is always commenting about them and he has grown some nice plants in there. That may be my next experiment. EB vs. Octo


Got me hooked. Iā€™m down. I just started using air-pots about 4 months ago. Liking the results.


Octo wins hands down


Ohhh itā€™s ON LIKE DONKEY KONG! gro broā€™s watch out for Ron to prove some peeps wrong! Lol Id say Octopot growers need to roll there sides down half way to make it more fair ! Equal up the Total volumes of Media it can hold!

Edit Iā€™m might be HAF putting Ron on the line like that! Lol