Earthquake... How was is it?

…i think,you have to move to another place to experience a quake :wink:

when i was a kid,there was a RockBurst/Gebirgsschlag in our region…, the house was shakeing for 1-2 seconds ,that was all i remember

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after having the unlucky experience of being thru three major earthquakes (7+ & 8+) in different countries. watching buildings collapse before my eyes with people inside and having to go thru the crumbles trying to find survivors.

i do not wish you such experience.


Yeah…maybe rethink that. I grew up in SoCal and have been through several fairly large ones. They’re not as much fun as one might think. Especially as a kid who happened to be walking past a large store window when it hit. Got to try and stay on my feet while watching the glass start waving. If it had shattered, I may or may not be here talking with you right now.


I don’t want to see buildings collaps around me and all this horrible stuff, I mean a light one. I actually wish nobody such devasting shit happen.

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i get it. before the big earthquakes i had felt many small ones (3-5) and they were sorta “fun” if you will, if you havent experienced one i understand just the curioisty - its like if the earth was drunk and you are incredibly sober, depending on the way it rocks you can feel like the ground is a swing (and sometimes lil jumps, like someone knocking the table from underneath), as intensity increases you feel like youre drunk, but sober… and if you get hit by a big one, its even hard to walk like trying to move straight when theyre pulling a rug. its hard to describe.

i had no respect for them when i was a child - my parents would go nuts, they had been thru a big one before i was born and i didnt get it… until i had more than my share of real ones. now when i feel one coming i run straight out, doesnt matter if im naked or what. my neighbors have seen more of me than they wished.

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I was in a 2.0 which is nothing compared to you guys. Interesting but not much else.

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