Earthquake... How was is it?

Hey guys,

I just wondered how it would feel when an earthquake hits.

I know some of you already experienced it. So, how was it? What set and setting have you been in? How powerful was the earthquake? Maybe you even have videos of the experience?

Yeah, I’m high



I was in class. I saw the cement wave and break into pieces, the building was cracked up, we got under the desks. It was a 5.0. Since them I feel them all the time usually small. Some shake the house a bit.


I was sleeping in a 9th flat, I use foam ear plugs to avoid noise so I was suddenly awaken my bed shaking like crazy, didn’t understand nothing at that moment … icon_e_confused|nullxnull


I live in Buffalo Ny and we are located on a huge fault line.Around 2022 we had a nice little shake go off around 630 am and it woke me up dozing on the couch.Feels like someone slapped your house in a nice jolt.Was a fast one over as soon as it came.last one before that was in 2014 we get them every now and then not near as bad as California and Charleston South Carolina.They have earthquakes all the time and they always say when the big one hits not if but when.All the buildings in charlston are held together with these huge giant rods that keep the buildings together safe from hurricanes and earthquakes installed around 1862 that have these round ornate plates sometimes crosses

on the fronts of the buildings that used to have to be hand adjusted every year a little at a time.Problem was everyone just cranked them down all the way.Now when that big earthquake comes all those buildings will explode from the tension on those rods theres hundreds of them installed in each building with tension like giant wound up springs


Well…one notable one for me was getting shaken awake and seeing the ceiling fan in my bedroom swaying back and forth. That was from the 1989 Loma Prieto Earthquake (SF Area).It was a 6.9 and I was 300 miles away



I live on the precambrian shield, a BIG chunk of rock that hardly ever moves, and have never felt the earth shift so like you @mndlss , I often wondered what it would be like.(often while high :grin:) The closet I’ve come is a trip through Osaka/Kobe 2 wks after a real big one in 95. I drove past a elevated hwy that had toppled as well as several large buildings that lay in ruin. It was the most destruction by a natural disaster that I have ever seen in real life. Your post made me think back to that and I am also high.


I was on Guam when an 8.2 hit. Was at a friends house sitting in my Toyota pickup when my truck starts bouncing up and down. I look at a telephone pole swaying back and forth and look at my friends wood frame house, he has made it to the door way with his girlfriend and the door frame was swaying. It lasted for about a minute.

There was a hotel that had floors collapsed so we drove down to see that.


The hotel was eventually demolished.


I’m not sure I never tried it but upon a quick search I found this:

Looks like it hits hard.
Pineapple Kush x Wedding Cake


I was living in Italy when the Friiuli earthquake of 1976 happened. I was a teenage Army brat living in Vicenza, and when it hit, I was in the HS gym in Tae Kwon Do class. It sounded like the metal truss building was going to pieces, rattling and shaking. We quickly got the heck outta there. We went downtown to get pizza, but all the Italians were out in the street because of the old buildings that might crumble, and we couldn’t get served. An aftershock happened while we were at the Piazza del Signori (town square) and you could see the waves ripple across the cobblestones. Very trippy. The epicenter was way north of us, and Aviano AFB got hit pretty hard. I recall the VP flew over to see the disaster. My bro, Tom, was from California, and he laughed at us when it hit, 'cause he knew right away what it was. Memories…


Spent 5 years living on the Calivaras fault in the east foothills of the Bay Area, literally 30 ft away.
There was an earthquake in the 3 range at least once a month, usually just a wiggle, sometimes more.
Whenever there was a good jolt at night I would turn on the clock radio, set to a San Francisco station, figured if SF radio was still on the air that jolt was not the ‘big one’.
Was at home for the Loma Prieta quake in 89, 7 I think, big but not GIANT.
In the years prior I was on highway 17 2-3 times a week traveling the cypress structure that collapsed, what a shitty piece of road that was.
Earthquakes in CA have not been that scary in my lifetime…eagles-usa-hotel-california-1977


Richmond Virginia when a 4.0 hit. I seriously thought that someone had slammed a dump truck into the building twice.


Was that like 13 years ago? We got some wiggles from that down at the beach. I was laying in bed and all of a sudden it felt like some one grabbed the bed and started shaking it. I thought some one was in my room fucking with me.


I was in the hospital, my daughter had just been born, I thought our room was under the helipad or something. Earthquake baby :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: 13 years ago this august


I was in a customers house near a glass bookshelf with glass figurines and it all started shaking and rattling, and dude came flying around the corner cause he thought I was about to knock all his stuff over. I hadn’t touched anything and once we figured it out a couple seconds later, we ran out into his yard.

It was a weird experience that the one thing that is solid your whole life, is suddenly moving.


Ahh, the foothills…my old stomping grounds.
Small world bud! :call_me_hand:t4:


Long live the august babies! I cNt believe that was 13 years ago. I bet you really can’t believe that was 13 years ago.


It’s like I blinked, and now I’m here with grey hairs and eugene levy eyebrows and a teenager lol


Hahaha. What’s the deal with the eyebrows? I used to think my little unibrow patch was the worst of my eyebrow problems. My shits are mad scientist status now.


The grey hairs in my beard are thick and fiber optic. They easily grow twice as fast as the rest of it. I’m a damn mess, haha


Hey guys, thanks for sharing your experiences!

Actually this was my thought about it, must be really weird. Maybe some day I get to have such an experience.