All you Humboldt residents OK? 6.5 Earthquake

I’m listening to reports of a pretty big earthquake hitting northern Cali and mostly Humboldt.

Hope y’all are okay and don’t get any more.

Post pics if you got 'em. Save the plants!

Prayers and vibes sent! peace


Just checked on a buddy in arcata. No electricity, gas, or internet. But everybody at his place was ok.

Gas shutoff after a quake is concerning.


ALWAYS a precaution out there as Lines run over/thru various terrains. The “Shake Warning” also halts all Train traffic in the area. I saw pictures of a Bridge there, cracks/fissures going right across it. They have had 20+ Aftershocks!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I heard a they had a couple of deaths, but glad to know that’s all. 6.5 is a big quake.


Yes, it was rather large for sure. It’s funny living in Cali (having come from Montana). There, we had mine blasts (I grew up in the town with the largest strip mining operation in the world), here we have quakes. LOL there is zero difference between a 5.0 and a mine blast, so even now, I don’t freak out till we hit the 7 or 8 stage. And even then, I’m like, wooooooooo, I’m on my way Jesus!!!

Seriously though - California and quakes. It’s Thursday right? Stay safe my friends!


lol, Yeah, I suppose. I grew up in tornado alley so, yeah, I guess it’s what you’re used to.

You must have lived in Butte! I spent 12 years in Montana in Livingston/Paradise Valley and then Bozeman. peace


The one in 1964 in Anchorage AK was a magnitude 9.2 and lasted 4 mins and 38 seconds. Thousands of mine blasts


The only way I could live in tornado alley is in a basement. I would not sleep above ground :laughing: Tornados are way more scary than hurricanes & earthquakes… way more.

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Actually, the largest strip mine was located (its still in operation) in Colstrip (but maybe im wrong about being the largest strip mine!), a tiny one blinking light in Eastern Montana.

I miss the slower life there, but not the snow lolol!

I almost moved back home this past year - to Livingston. Best fishing location, Yellowstone out your back door :green_heart: With all the flooding this year, glad i didnt.


I remember you telling me that a long time ago. Yeah, I surveyed in a lot of of eastern Montana, or as I called it West Dakota, heh. Nah, it’s a degree better in Montana. I love the west part of the state and I fished a lot and did a small bit of guiding. I don’t miss those really long winters either. It was ok when in my 20’s but I wouldn’t care for it now.