Ed Rosenthal's Facebook was hacked and stolen

So old stoner and activist Ed Rosenthal has had his Facebook acct hacked and stolen. It is now filled with cute animals and lots of religious stuff not WEED! Apparently Facebook do sent care (no shit) and even though he has the check by his name for a verified acct that still isnt protection nor the 1,000’s of pics of him. It you would like to help he tells us how to.


I shouldn’t laugh, but this weed is really strong. Poor Ed I like his books. I never saw his Facebook but can imagine it.


one more reason to never use facebook.


I agree I found out from weekly email newsletter.
@ohno555 @Illicitmango @bobgrows @pigeonman @dougdawson @shag @kgrim @TopShelfTrees1 @CanuckistanPete @Emeraldgreen @wizdom @lzboy @middleman @gregog @mrgreenthumb @DannyTerpintine @Pawsfodocaws @FirstCavApache64 @blowdout2269 @carty


Piss on zuck :cat2::dog2::monkey::rat:

That should be a legacy account…Facebook sucks so bad.


damn that’s a shame. It’s sad people do that kind of stuff

It is extremely difficult to actually get any real support with FB/IG. Most of it is run through automation and once their system flags something your essential screwed. (And it’s not just cannabis, but even with things like real companies trying to use their advertising platform.) Unless you are highly recognized and can actually get in touch with real people, or unless you’re connected and know who works there… good luck!

On a side note, here’s some general safety tips for the less computer savvy folks:
2FA (google authenticator)
Never use the same PW on two sites.
Use a PW that’s hard to brute force (Not a simple name or word. Do include symbols and numbers.)
Be extremely diligent when typing your password anywhere that’s not “overgrow.com” (or whatever site you’re using).

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Pretty wild man! I did a show on the first season, Ed Rosenthal and Jim Belushi did too on that show. Hate to hear about that, I’ve had it happen too, but to post as him is a sick person.

My show views beat Jim and Ed, I thought that was pretty cool for a nobody like me. Lol

I wonder if anyone has had their accounts here hacked? :thinking: I feel this is a very secured platform.

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@DannyTerpintine imhis old acct still has 250k followers his new 300.:exploding_head:. I’m not a Hugh fan of Facebook(only on for weed stuff) and not a big fan of Ed Rosenthal anymore so much. Yes has done amazythings as and activist and writer, traveled and introduce a lots of young people to growing. I won’t go into my reasons for not following him anymore one is his “ask Ed” safari hat for only $24.99. or whatever

To see his life’s work and stories and info be destroyed like that inst cool. I despise these people do it to people who deserve it not those fighting the front lines for YOUR rights.


Facebook doesn’t give a rat’s ass. The same thing happened to my wife a few years ago and they wouldn’t help at all.


What a shame. Not so much the hack but the lack of action from the platforms.


Very cool bro! That’s awesome


I agree with what he :point_up: said.