Be careful of Mars Hydro factory on Facebook scam

Got a message from some scammer on Facebook today saying that I had won a prize from them

But they want your credit card number,when I clicked on the link it took me to their website same setup as the Mars hydro factory website

Fuckers though I won a free light lol I reported to Facebook and send Mars hydro a message I didn’t hear back from them


I think Facebook is a scammers wet dream. I lost 17k from some people on that site… the thing is when they get you good like that you’ll never find out who they are…

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There some shady people on Facebook ,I never trade seeds on Facebook ,they have a seed scammer group on it now,so many people get ripped off it’s sad

I just gave this page some free seeds for a free giveaway
Make someone’s day,


Those are some square as sobs. Lol

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People made a lot of money scamming,it’s like a trade they do it 8 hours a day lol pure lowlifes lol


This is why I refuse to get a Facebook or Instagram account. I like it on OG.


Same here Doug. No facebook,twitter or instagram for me.
Just too much trouble and really don’t have time for drama.
It’s all a scam or a marketing ploy to sell goods.


I have it all Facebook Instagram tik tok lol
Dogs have their own tik tok page,use Facebook to keep in touch with family and friends around the world since it’s free video calls

At least I was good enough to report them and send a message to Mars telling them what’s up,not even a thank you from them lol


Millions use those things, just not my thing. The free video calls is cool.

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dont and wont do facebook or ic, but there are scammers everywhere, a bunch here in the usa, a place called Washington dc.