Either a brilliant or stupid idea

I feel like I would be willing to put a decent amount of effort into it, given the payoff of having a genetic pool to spread freely that I don’t see out there much at the moment in the trading post, other than @ramblinrose and their Newberry F2s. There’s a lot of “old Blueberry lines” being traded, which are probably good and that’s cool, I just don’t see anyone reproducing old DJ packs. The more I think about it too, I definitely have a friend or two nearby who aren’t growing but would be willing to keep some small plants vegging around, especially if I gave them some cheap LEDs to use and a share of whatever comes out of the project.


Yeah not uncommon for mutants/runts in his lines. DJ breeds for flower quality and that is basically it. He doesn’t care what they look like, nor yield like, as long as the flower they produce is top notch.

@Dirt_Wizard Best bet is just pop the whole pack and see what you get. Keep cuts of the moms to choose after you flower them out, dry, cure, and try them. See if any males match the best mom(s) and definitely use those together for F2’s, otherwise just do what you can to make some F1s… You can save time and just hit all the girls with all the boys, or the best boy(s), and go from there but you might be making stuff you find out later you don’t want with the former, and might lose out on some genetic’s with the latter. Especially since again, DJ doesn’t care what they look like so picking the best looking plants may not mean you’re getting the best flower.

Food for thought :man_shrugging:


Yup very true. They are some pretty plants though… but yeah yields are low in my experience.


I think it’s a great idea. Definitely can be really simple one and done open pollination to label and clone everything and open pollination.
I personally do the label and clone thing so I don’t regret letting something go. That being said it takes time and space




The writing is hard to read, but each plant separated and labeled. Early Iranian open pollination. Didn’t keep great notes but I remember I preferred # 4 and 8 structurally. They all were pretty uniform smell and smoke wise


i’d say to go for it. im currently taking the slow methodical route personally, but nothing wrong with just banging things together and looking through what comes out of it!


:astonished: :scream: That is a shitz load of Magic beans lol

be careful with the baggies labeled with marker, some ink can rub off and then you won’t know what’s in the pack. i guess you could use this picture to identify them.


Thank you for the heads up. I noticed this happening when I took them out and looked at them. I’m going to need label slip of paper and put it inside as a backup.

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It’d be hard not to load up a broadcast spreader and find the nearest clearcut.


That’s hilarious. I needed that laugh. Thank you


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