Either a brilliant or stupid idea

Here’s a thought I’ve been having, maybe people with more experience than me can help develop it better. I have a pack of DJ Short’s “Everything Delightful” which was one of the one time release packs, with a mix of all the different strains he was pulling out, including Breeder Mixes. I’ve been planning on pulling out one or two at a time in the future and carefully working through them, or at least that’s what I bought them thinking. They were one of the first packs I bought because I wanted to get one while they were still available, and I knew it would be the first “vault” pack that was off limits until I was a more skilled grower.



"Only 252 Uniquely Numbered Packs Available!
Welcome to the first random mix drop from Old World Genetics/DJ Genetics/DJ Short Seeds ‘Everything Delightful’!

This mix is a truly random sampling of previously released and tested DJ Short Seeds genetics offering an opportunity to grow many of the Old World Genetics releases in a more affordable package.

Included within is a random and even mix of the following nine different cultivars:

The Original Blueberry
The Orginal Flo
Breeders Choice Mixes #’s 2, 3 and 4
New Berry
Velvet Krush
First Light
Temple Flo
Tremendous pheno-hunting possibilities abound as all of the above-mentioned genetics are included therein. For the various descriptions of these separate genetics please log onto djgenetics.com (djshort.com).

This is a ‘one-time-only’ drop of a total of 252, 13-seeds individually and uniquely numbered packs, Good luck, and Happy Hunting!

One-Time-Only Release!"

Here’s the idea: what if I planted half/most/all of them at once and did an open pollination? Would this result in a huge number of adventure mix seeds to give out and let folks work through? I’m interested in hearing whether people think this would be appealing or whether there’s a better approach to take. I’m not doing this for a while, but if I’m going to start planning I have to decide what the strategy is.


Cool idea! Yeah an open pollination would result in a really nice mix of pure blue lines. I’d say definitely do the most you can - there’s usually a few mutants / runts in the mix with DJ’s lines. There’s also some sterile males in the lines - so increasing the potential parents would definitely be smart. I’ve got a few of these strains I’m planning on trying out soonish (saying this for 5 different strains right now lol) like the breeders choice mixes and first light.


That would be a very Incredible mix of strains :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:


Hearing about the runts/mutants that I’d have to work through is actually part of what got me thinking about it, like out of thirteen seeds how many actual keeper moms or dads will I get? Seems like expanding the seed numbers and having access to the genetics to sort at length would be better in the long run, especially since we’ve seen so many mixes and remixes of the old DJ genetics and they all are varying levels of pretty good?


Hard to say - I think it depends on the strain for the percent of mutants. Some mutants can be worthwhile to keep as well, I’ve got a Newberry mutant that is pure krinkle, no non-mutant leaves at all, it smelled like pure hershey chocolate and was definitely nicer than the non-mutant, at least from the seed run. I revegged it and am currently turning into a nice bush to eventually flower out. Just a pure guess I’d say maybe 25% will be oddballs in one way or another - slower veggers, mutants, runts. They strains are pretty consistent otherwise since they’re inbred, and breed true for the type of high.


Breed them ALL Damit …


This is a pretty cool idea!! I think you should totally do it. You’ll still have roughly 125 seeds to explore… you have nothing to lose!


That’s good to know from someone who’s grown out the Newberry. I usually don’t abandon slow veggers but I’ll be extra careful not to reject the weird twisty crinkly ones.


do it dewit


It seems like an awesome idea, for sure. But not knowing with 100% certainty exactly which strain each plant is, you’ll be left to guessing and speculating. On the other hand, you don’t need to know the name of a strain to know it’s fire (or not), so if you don’t care about knowing for certain what each plant is - GO FOR IT!

For me personally, I bought JOTI’s “Breeders Mix”. It was described as his personal selection of his best strains, and I mistakenly thought the different seeds would be labelled. They weren’t. Also, the quality of the beans were not on par with everything else I ever got from him. Lots of small or bleached out seeds. They looked like they came from his trash pile. :unamused:


Oh I already own the seeds, they’ve been in the fridge since mid 2020. I’m not going to try and sort strains or phenos that would be insane, I’m just thinking a big pile of mixed pollination dads and moms.


pop them all.


@antheis Realizing that if I do this it’s all or nothing, thirteen enter the ring…


you won’t know the mothers nor the fathers. it’ll be awesome. an everything but the label mix.


That’s the idea- release maximum cool genetic chaos as freebies to watch people work through and find the gems


The other half of it would be trying to send cuts of the moms and dads to a few people, if I could figure out how to distribute snips, maybe that would be a meetup for New England folks, I dunno.

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Decisions, decisions! :joy:

I’d personally go slow at it, save pollen from males and cuts of females until they flowered out and I smoked them. Then I’d just go back and make a backcross of any females I found really interesting.


@lefthandseeds That’s really the question, isn’t it? I want to collect pollen either way since there should be plenty of that to go around, but I’m not a taking clones and keeping moms guy yet. Maybe that’ll have to change, because then I could always do both- take cuts, save pollen, and let the genetic orgy happen with the plants from seed. Dry sift the moms after removing seeds, smoke that and think about it? Hmm. I’d have to recruit a friend to keep the cuts since just doing the seed run would put me at my plant limit, so that would be an extra factor but not impossible by any means.

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That’s a pretty reasonable to go about it. It’s all just depending on how much effort you want to put into it. If you can separate the males and females, it’s hard to evaluate fully seeded plants because fully seeded bud seems to be a bit different than sensi. But you can still get a good appreciation for structure, bud size, smells and such.

However you go about it, seems like a fun project! Will be cool to see what’s in these seeds.


Thanks for the advice, I’m trying to start thinking of what I can do as a first seed run for the community, based on the packs I already have. I figure the first time I’ll take a chance with my genetics before I take on the responsibility of trying to reproduce a donated rare one.
And since this was very clearly announced as a one time, last of the seeds in the freezer sort of thing, I feel ok ethically about it, especially if I’m not trying to reproduce pure lines.