Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

Hey @RainToday . I like your new picture.:grin: Mullien grows all over my farm. @DougDawson . I have smoked the leaves. They are nasty. :face_vomiting:….:rofl:


I agree with what you said also fresh pineapple does wonders(apparently have to eat as much core as you can lol). Besides vitamins etc… it has Bromelain which is known to help in the upper respitory, sinusus and heart


Mullen, It grows outside naturally , people cut it down thinking its a weed. I had some at the old house I lived at .


Talking about NAC this is what I started taking in December after a persistent cold for like 10 days hope your felling better today Emerald.


That’s a good mix of things. The black pepper extract helps your body absorb it all better. Nice find :+1:


Good morning @Emeraldgreen and friends! hope you are feeling better bro. Man I didn’t even know about that Mullein stuff, very cool.


Morning folks!

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Found a car for $400 and drove it straight the the car wash to vacuum and clean it out then when I got home i got to use my ozone generator for the first time to clean out that nasty mildew and cigar smoke smell. The very next morning took it to my sisters house so her husband who is a certified toyota mechanic can repair the bare minimum to get it to past safety. Main concerns are the valve cover gasket has so many blow by leaks it can’t keep oil in it, bump stops are non existent, battery is exposed to open elements with nothing more than a piece of Styrofoam over it, and some sort of electrical/wiring issue with the passenger side tail light. Regardless of all the issues I threw some oil in her drove her 20 minutes home and then the next day 1 hr 10 minutes roughly 60 miles one day with not a single issue. I felt bad about only giving him $400 but he wanted it gone ASAP and needed a washer


It’s an 04 rav4 with 206k miles. Not the prettiest but for $400 it’s the cleanest thing I’ve ever seen with a price tag so low


@emerald how did you go about training with the deaf girl? Did you use a vibration collar?

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Nice score! Damn


Yes indeed, it’s an amazing plant.


Good morning everyone :sleeping::sun_with_face:. Lots happened while I was sleeping.
@Hotrods_and_hounds fortunately she is only deaf in one ear. She can hear out of the other one.
@DougDawson @Kami @HighTilliDie @Gonzo @RainToday @TopShelfTrees1
Getting better still fatigued, but doing what I can. Thank you all for stopping by with your suggestion and concerns
Damn a 400 dollar beater car!!!


IKR ? I need one too

Lol! Little animals love the mullein leaves for nesting material, and tiny native bees use the hollow stems to lay eggs too, though I’ve never seen that.

My new picture was made by @Rogue , glad you like, I think its perfect for me. :heart_eyes:

@Emeraldgreen those are gorgeous dogs!:heart_eyes::white_heart::black_heart::white_heart:


the mullein grows wild in my yard. only found out what mullein was a couple of years ago. we use to joke around about it being natures toilet paper. :poop: :boom: :poop:

. Mullein aka “cowboy toilet paper” Even hard men want a soft leaf. If the cowboys used the large velvety leaves of the mullein (Verbascum thapsus) plant while out on the range, then you can too! Mullein is a biennial plant available for use in almost every bioregion.



Haha nice!


Ikr @Emeraldgreen and @TopShelfTrees1 I kept telling my buddy I felt bad for talking him down from $500. First time looking at it I came and brought him a sampler of the newest stuff to try and report back probably half an oz or so and then after locking in the price for $400 which was $100 less than his intial price so I threw in an oz of his favorite smoke (chemtek) of the bunch so far to show my appreciation knowing I could drive away in this car


That’s dope

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I love when things just work out ya know! After that we took his 4 kids and my daughter to the park and we played for 30-40 minutes and just basked in that moment knowing 2 people who do good for the world can finally be righted and just argued about how if the world was a better place id have the car for free and he’d have an endless supply of weed from yours truly. It just felt right to both of us to be able to help each other and we truly enjoyed it and even the kids had a blast it was unlike any other car buying experience ive ever had