Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

Morning @Emeraldgreen and gang, it is FRIDAY…hope everybody has a great day and great weekend also.


Morning @Emeraldgreen and folks…

Have a wonderful weekend guys!

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I just ran out of :heart::heart::heart::disappointed:
Hope your day is great

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Good morning @Emeraldgreen and your whole crew!

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As I was going around saying good morning in the various threads this morning I realized a lot of us are on the same threads!


Yep. We play musical howdies every morning on here. lol


We certainly do :rofl:


Mornin’ @Emeraldgreen …hey @MoBilly …I know that guy! :laughing:


Just like a bad penny. I keep turning up in the strangest places. lol


Good late morning bro! I hope everyone’s day is going wonderfully so far :crossed_fingers:t3: much love and respect


Good morning everyone! Hope yall are off to a good start!


My baby broke her nail. I feel so bad cause I know it’s hurting her. It’s so far back I know it’s hitting the nerve

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I think if it didn’t expose the quick it usually isn’t too painful for them. If it was bleeding from the quick it can be sore for a bit. My Labrador used to break his all the time running after tennis balls and sliding to a stop on our gravel driveway. Hope it heals up fast for her.

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I think the quick is exposed :disappointed:. Just making sure she takes it easy


You can see that it broke lengthwise. I would take clippers and remove the very end at least so it would be less likely to catch on the carpet or whatever.
I have thin fingernails but I’m a guitar picker. I’ve torn my nails up into the quick several times. I’ve even used super glue to hold them on until they grew out some. The thing is you don’t want that broken off part to catch and tear the thing farther down the nail.
That is just my 2c’s though. :slight_smile:
I’m sure it’ll work out just fine though either way.


+1 on the super glue, it will relieve the pain as well.


The line up for my poor puppies paw :paw_prints:


a set of some good clippers, a clamp of some sort to hold together while the super glue is drying i.e small zip tie , and then baby wrap it with some gauze and tape for the wounded dog club and he will be being be sporting his war wound and clubbing you with it in no time. good luck doctor.
hope he heals up proper and quick.
on a side note peeled a cling-on off my side today. aka the tick. went right out and picked up the the treatments from the vets for our pets.


I just cleaned it and glued it. I’ll probably keep applying glue over the next couple days. It’s super sensitive so no clippers or clamps


have had to doctor animals over the years. the key is stay calm in another realm. me and the misses trying to help them and they feed off our emotions and struggle. oh you poor thing! vet helps them and they are still as can be and an amazing patient. that don hurt i am ok. only hurts when i laugh.
in life there is never a dull moment. take care of the pup and do a good sesh.

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