Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

Cricket had a special. 29.99 when you switch with your number! Could not say no. My old battery would die in like 5 hours from 100 percent. New phone had to be charged again after almost a day and a half


Best sandwich EVER…Just can’t be a ripe banana, has to have some green on it.:stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue:
I am also behind in phone tech, rocking a note 10 from 2017 maybe…

Awesome phone, it survived 5 years with me mostime with extrascreen foil.

How do you make your muffins? I see the green color, thats also my kind of dose but mostly the weed taste is pretty strong and not really tasty.
But i dont have an rosin Press for using rosin.

Outa :heart::heart::heart::heart: again today

@Villiager these are store bought pistachio muffins. When I make edibles I use hash or bho. They let me have a better idea of how strong I’m making them. The weed taste isn’t as strong either


Oh they look nearly as green as my last muffins 500g butter to ≈200g outdoor trim.
Taste horrible Effect perfectly :sweat_smile:


Use hash instead of trim and the taste will be much better. I generally figure hash is about 40 percent thc and bho around 70ish for my calculations.

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if you are the caveman of cell phone, i must be the neanderthal man. believe it or not i have never owned a cell phone. gets tough when traveling sometimes and i almost break down and what to get one.
but have still been able to avoid one because the misses lets me borrow hers when i have to be able to make a call when traveling.
i enjoy my freedom to much when done working and when away from from home to not be bothered by customers or family on my time.
good luck learning the new phone, i hate upgrading the computer when the time is due. it takes some time to pole valt into the new wiga jiga tech.


World’s longest leash, that’s for sure.


That made me :joy::joy::joy:
Oh for the days of landlines and beepers :joy:


i remember when beepers first came out. everyone use to think you were a dealer if you had a beeper :rofl:
and not a doctor. we really have seen a lot of changes over the years.


Hungry and motivated :joy:. Excuse me


Good morning everyone. Hope you all have a great day.

Hopefully my bandaid males start dropping pollen!! I’m giving them another day before an alternative plan is launched. The cold may be the reason. I might have to try again in the summer


Good morning bro!! This thread is always making me hungry lately . Hope you have a great day today


Good morning. I think I’m transplanting seeds today. Have to go get more solo cups :grin:


I was just thinking the same thing actually. I need a couple packs , all I have is clears. Great minds !

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Good morning everyone! All this food is making me hungry! Got me thinking I should start planting things for my outdoor veggies garden again soon


Speaking of which hey @TopShelfTrees1 what’s the word on those blueberry snips? Do I need to send you some cash to cover shipping?

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Blueberry? Thats one I don’t have bro

I have LOTS more for you though, I’ll send ya my list.

The warmer weather is making stuff start moving. Since I can move stuff outside it made me more willing to pop new seed. They started sprouting in 24 hours, which is much faster than expected