Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

My wife worked at earth angel mushroom locally (pacific by molly browns fireworks) lots of cool things to learn about mushrooms and if you can remain sterile is an easy turnover once you find sellers

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He was doing pretty well in the farmers markets with mushrooms. Just didn’t have time to keep it going along with the weed


Bummer. Wish I lived closer I’d love to help out on a farm especially gardening weed oh man talk about a dream job!


@Emeraldgreen with the market bottoming out in a lot of places I can see why weed would be a big maybe. Hard to keep costs low enough for the shoestring market.


Yeah and here’s a he unpopular opinion. It has to go full corporate before an individual farm will ever make real money doing it. Especially with out full on federal approval. Say there’s a farmer growing 10 acre farm. That farm could still be seized by the feds. The need for corporate to push it through the federal legalization will open the door for the “craft” market then there may be a possibility for small farms to grow and actually have solid chance at turning profit.


Yes and no.

Federal legalization will result in a race to the bottom, most likely, and then at this point some craft or quality brands will emerge.

However it will be like a massacre of shops and operators.


Yes, but that’s almost the point, trying to be in there at the beginning is almost a losing battle straight out the gate. Like jungle boys they have had a couple reset form from some visitors coming in and taking everything they had. The only real option is when major companies come in and have the backing to pursue the legal push back. Small farms would just be crippled.


Weren’t those stick up boys though?

I see what you mean though, like if it’s legal you can pursue legal recourse.


Yep the stick up boys pulled hundreds of thousand of dollars out since the banks won’t take it, and was just like you knew what you were getting into. There’s a video of it happening somewhere. Also there was a county out in Oklahoma that was seizing cash from Oklahoma farms under the guise of it being banned in kanas they were running dogs through and taking the cash.


It’s going to be a blood bath!!! Anyone who doesn’t believe that I think isn’t really looking at the picture in front of them.
The large corporations sued for early access to the market, and won. They’re already pushing the price down to kill off competitors. They’re not even the scary ones.
What do you think will happen when bayer or Phillip Morse can get into the game?
NY twisted any ny chartered bank into having to accept cash. I have not seen or heard of any cash payments here


I always tell people

Pareto principle exists for a reason

80/20 rule

80% budweiser
20% craft


They already are, there’s a big corporate structure already setup in Missouri. InBev locked in with Tilray and they are now part of the biggest company worldwide. Organigram locked in with British Americsn tobacco and got the German contract literally a year ago before Germany even went legal.


Legit Budweiser is already in the game! Lol


That’s the truth!

That 20 percent is going to come from new smokers. Everyone I know won’t buy dispensary weed since they all have black market connections

Does anyone thing curraleaf is a big corporation compared to bayer, Budweiser, cigarettes companies?


Looks like I’m misusing the principle

But to me the concept is clear

The mass market will be dominated by cheap products, and a small section of the offerings will actually stand out. Like how some companies like carthartts used to be


I buy dispensary weed sometimes to try

Like that Cuban linx black hash


Once in a blue. Your not the client keeping the doors and lights on


Oh that’s definitely true.


It’s neat to go in there and look but all the small farms that were good out here when it first started still couldn’t even make the money needed to make it through. Sad for real.


Everyone I know who buys dispo weed doesn’t have anything good to say about it but the prices and then at some point is it even worth it to get cheap weed for lesser quality? Only thing ill get from a dispo is dabs anymore but then they go and add terps to them and take away from the true form and taste. Shoot even the worst shit I’ve ever grown is better than anything I’ve gotten from any of the 3 dispos I’ve been to local