Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

Holy chit talk about different times!!!
Poured concrete once! Did tile once also


I don’t think the times were different. My dad’s just a pushy jerk.


Just did the math, had to be during the 08 recession. He was doing it in lieu of unpaid child support.

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You’ve got me! It’d probably cost a grip to get it up there. :wink:

I love this thing!


I’m gonna reinforce and bury a shipping container one of these days. Stick it behind these 2 and drop another on top. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Also gonna install an earth battery in the hoop house with no end wall.

It was worth buying a backhoe, even though I’m still in debt for it. 🤷


Oh definitely. My dad uses his all the time. Takes rich buddy’s docks out of the water and back in for the season. Used to help him do it, pain in the ass. Cold water.


As a drywall and paint contractor, let me tell you all about the most recent job I lost. 1500 sq ft house. Paint walls ceilings trim and doors. I dropped them a price of around $4000. They asked me if there was any wiggle room on that price. I told them the going rate was closer to $6000 and that’s all I could do. They said “Okay. The other contractor that came through said he could do it for $1600.”

:joy: “Contractor”


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: they will learn.


Haha no shit. I think I said something like "holy shit. Why aren’t they here painting right now? How much lower did you think the price was going to get?


I’m a disabled guy with no trades skills and I’ve run into the stinginess before. People want a job done, don’t wanna do it themselves, but don’t wanna pay a professional either. So I give them what I consider a fair price and then they have buyers remorse at the end because I’m not a professional and my skills are just okay.


I try and do a good job but I’m not a tradesman. I’m just some dude.


Everybody’s gotta make some money man. I don’t get mad about losing jobs to “some guy” as you put it. I get all kinds of bent out of shape at the home owners. Like why in the world are you wasting my time?


I mean some of these guys are totally crooked from what I read online, lol

But I agree, they shouldn’t be wasting your time. You get what you pay for in general. More money doesn’t guarantee good service but it does make it more likely in my experience.

Edit: to put it another way, good service isn’t typically gonna be the cheap option.


Yeah. There are plenty of talented contractors out there that don’t know how to bid their jobs correctly. A lot of times they get to a point in the job where showing back up isn’t profitable for them. So they start a new job and leave the original customer in limbo working on their project in their free time between other jobs or just abandoning the job completely. Then you have shit head scumbags for sure that will get 50% down from Grandma to buy materials and then never come back.

There are all types in this business.


Yeah no kidding. Made me realize if you hire someone to do work, it’s gotta be someone reliable and trustworthy. Part of why I go to the mechanic shop in town even though I could probably look for a better deal. If they stop giving quality service that will change but they’ve done pretty good for me. Makes it worth the extra bucks over finding a shade tree mechanic. Same reason I invested in a good set of tires even though it cost so much. You go cheap on some things you’ll find yourself in a hole.


You definitely wanna take your whip to @Hotrods_and_hounds. Don’t bring it to me. I’ll be out there leaned up against a light pole suckin on a toothpick like “yeah, I’ll take a look at it!” :joy:


@Indicana_Jones lol that’s how I got into this lien of work, started as to broke to have someone else do it. Turned into 30 years later. Same just quicker and have neat tools also.


Also why you guys are around in here. Asking for a friend when organizing a seed stock. When is it that you have to many?


The way someone put it is

If you popped a pack a week

How long until you finish?