Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

Yes it is. I’d love to find a sour cut that isnt a bitch lmao


:rofl: It take finesse for sure on any cut. They love calmag!


That would be some actual cool breeding or luck running numbers I’d love to see, because it was something I hated for ten years and I was glad to drop. Haha


I made

(Karma bx2 x sour d ibl original) selected by @DannyTerpintine
Motorbreath 15 x (motorbreath x wedding crasher)

With a nice sour cut that wasn’t too painful to run. Relatively.


I’ve got some nice options to check out, and I’m doing headbanger f2 coop

But yeah, that’s a hard ask


The question is how many packs I can run, in how much time, for what projects

Sours a really hard one and I didn’t want to crack into all those incredible genetics and mess it all up with bugs or mistakes or… you get the idea


Emeraldgreen will chime in as well I’m sure, but you need to be able to hit some tight environmental parameters and have you’re watering on point to get that true Sour D that sold for ridiculous prices per pack. I say the humidity has to be dropped way low for the last 2-3 weeks, you need to be able to bring in cold dry air, and the roots need to never ever be too wet.


I couldn’t find where I posted it :disappointed:

Anyway we ran Hawaiian indica, Hawaiian skunk, four way, skunk special and northern lights originally in 95ish. That switched to a blueberry indica a few years later. This was so over produced that eventually everyone stopped taking it :rofl::rofl:.
The next was a supposed g13 which was sweet super sticky plant. Then sour and nyc sour.
The nyc sour was a better yielder, but maybe half the stink of the other sour cut.
This was an 8 week cut! It wasn’t finicky with nutes. It did however HATE warm/ hot rooms. This is why I keep saying sour likes cold. High temperatures in the room was 75-78 under hps lights on with low night temperatures of 60-65.
Before anyone starts saying sour is a 12 week plant, a sample of this was given to weasel. He immediately said that is it.


I had this cut until around 2020 when my stupid ass started bringing in new stuff. I lost her at that point and I’m now realizing how lucky I was to have her


Ahhhh, nice!! All I know is the dude from Brooklyn who lived on our beach had already brought down Diesel to them, which he called NYC Diesel but we assumed it was because he never shut up about how great NYC was. So, they got that in ‘97 or early ‘98 and then ‘98 he brought down what he called Sour D. The NYC Diesel was eight weeks and much easier to grow and way better structure, but smelled like straight gasoline. The Sour D he brought down grew, not shittier, but much more sativa like and would get floppy towards the end. That cut went 74-77 though. It was much more big style of all big bracts and crazy lime/neon green nugs. Super easy trim compared to the NYC Diesel. it had that burn your nose/clear your sinuses sourness and then a really strong mouth coating taste when smoked. Sooo, all of that to say, it’s all been confusing since even back then. I probably brought a misnamed cut out in ‘04 and added to the confusion. My bad. Haha I wish we could’ve kept growing easy ass SK#1 phenos and hybrids. So much easier. Haha


She’s not a bitch (center), it’s a permissive diva ^^ You can fail it and enjoy it without curing.
SPG is a bitch. Jack Herer is a bitch. Black Domina is a bitch ^^

ECSD->Rez->Karma, to resume our chit chat ^^
There isn’t a polemic for me, the ECSD have its own value in hybrids that the SD don’t have.
It’s factual also for me that the Karma releases were far more evolved and better selected/screened that the initial Rez stuff.


Nice!! Whatever cut I had that we called Sour D could not take any problems in flower, especially the last three or so weeks, and still be sold at crazy prices. If an a/c or dehumidifier went out and wasn’t caught for a day or two that run was toast.


I have always been under the impression diesel was renamed chem. I’ve also never experienced a sour smell it was fuel always.
The sour name I heard was more from how many relationships it had soured


Heat turned her into a pale echo of what she could be. Was not worth growing if the room got to hot


Click baited again ^^

I ordered chem91 buds at vile price this year to dig the theory, without any doubt it’s chem-based for me. But i consider the reverse sense, as the main spice of the SD.

The skunk presence by example is obvious in mid flo, the flowers are quite skunky/plushy (shape) before becoming crazy (pop corn caliber and the “Diesel” kicking 100% when dialed). Auxins activity too, she stretch like a skunk.


That much is true but the fact remains that he started with Rez’s gear.


I disagree. I still believe original diesel was a renamed chem. The nyc crew says they renamed chem because they didn’t like the name or the chemical reference


The NYC Diesel cut we had definitely looked like Chem now that I think about it, but grew more like the D. The “Sour D” we had was probably some whatever “Chem” is and some NLHZ or something. Or they’re all just phenos from the same shit. I have no clue now though. Haha.


Topdog sour bx 4 throws out some good representation of the clone I had. Smell, structure and flowering time. Out of a 10 pack

Nobody has a verifiable answer. It’s also just personal experience and guessing

Mine threw sterile herms on the untrimmed lowers. I’d be super happy to have s1 of that cut today


And herms! Don’t forget they throw out a ton of herms :joy: