Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

I would’ve changed the name of Chem too. I’ve never liked that name. I don’t want to think of chemicals and my flower. Haha


I’m pretty much a douchebag about the “inception authenticity game”. Karma outperformed the Rez base, in offering (for my eyes) a true alternative to the ECSD in seed form. It was a very smart move, specially on the floral shape very important with the instagram era (just like the cookies).

Now … it’s never-ending buddy. The ECSD belong to the SD. And the SD belong also to a couple of Sensi Seeds packs cracked. The mystery still plain with the chem91, not yet listened a convincing theory about it.

I swear more by the standards reformed for the sake of the Dank. i don’t include my personal taste in the equation, not fond of Karma releases and not fond too that a lot of cut sold “SD” are coming from these releases too ^^ Painful hunting.


I remember an old head in the early or so 2000s telling me anything really good by that time was mostly some pheno of NLHZ or at least mostly made up of that. That’s what he had to say about all of the OG/Chem/Sour stuff that was going on back then. Haha


We’re all still friends right? :rofl:


Everyone saw on the sour thread the results of the genetic testing @SCJedi did?
Like the idea of chem 91 and nlhz also


Hahaha For sure. I’ve never really cared about the genetics and names once I actually started growing and whatnot. Good weed is good weed. The ongoing debates/stories about Sour D and OG just make me scratch my head. I don’t get why so many care so much, but that’s me being a little prickish and close-minded, because we all have different interests and so on.

I see your next post is about genetic testing. I’ve assumed for years we’d eventually get to that point and learn how similar all of these plants are and whatnot. What went down with a Sour D genetic testing??


Bragging rights


I wonder how much this happened as well:

A lot of times we’d abbreviate the strain name on the packs, so Jack Herer was just JH and so on. Eventually it’d get to someone who didn’t know, but they’d come up with something based off of the JH or SP or whatever on their pack. Jack becomes John Henry at one high school/college area and so on. Genetic testing will clear it all up and hopefully end all of this though.


I’m good brother :rofl: I didn’t mean anything by that. I didn’t like Rez and still don’t like him. It’s okay to dislike some one. Karma did work his sour more than Rez did and put out a better version. All I’m say is no matter what, Karma still started off with Rez’s gear which could’ve been suspect at times.


Dang, I still need to flower the 91 out eh

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Ah, now I remember something…

Shoe said its 91, then original diesel / daywrecker as a bagseed, then sour diesel as a bagseed of that…

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@Emeraldgreen Now if you had a friend or knew a guy who left Brooklyn for the beach in Florida, was a General Contractor, pouring foundations, and would come up to get cuts in the 90s that would be wild/awesome. Haha

Edit: I also just realized what an insane difference there is between people from Brooklyn in the 70s/80s/90s and now. Hipsterville these days. What a change in type of “Brooklyn person.” Haha


Hell yeah! Plants look amazing @Emeraldgreen . Thanks for the picture update. They look similar in structure other than the squat one. What are your observations? I’m curious to hear your impressions of garlic dog x hp13 bx.

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Cleo insisted

@PatHealy meet a lot of construction guys in the business. Lot of union people :rofl:. I don’t personally know that guy though

@Radicle_Reefer still early for my impressions. I’ll keep you posted for sure


Omg it’s unbelievable how different it is. I used to drink N6 N7 back when I was drinking. It was this punk bar in Williamsburg. I don’t recognize the neighborhood anymore it’s so gentrified. Also can no longer find parking!!


@mainerJ Maine event f2 under way


That’s where I left it while I was selling in my early 20s. After I heard Alaskan thunderfuck and banana trainwreck I’m like ok idc about names anymore yall just making shit up! Legit sometimes my dealer would tell me it’s good weed idk the name just make something up it will sell and after that I’m like so that’s why we have all these crazy names now? Lmfao. Ever since then I’m the guy with no knowledge on strains just getting what taste good and then looking at lineage and finding out where the phenos and crosses came from. It’s funny I’m actually going to be trying to recreate that banana trainwreck from my past either later this year or early next year


Good Luck @HighTilliDie Did you trace down a trainwreck cut?


smart dog with this hot humid weather

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As little as possible. The last couple days were fantastic! Cloudy and mid 70s. To bad that’s past to quickly