Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

I can’t wait for you to chop either. I’m really excited to hear your growing it and close to chop. Their cotton candy auto and fogdog auto were testing around 17-18 percent for us.

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At one point I was doing some wood turning. I really love the hidden beauty that would be revealed. The black walnut is beautiful, especially when you get the sapwood and heartwood together.
Cherry has a beautiful smell burning also!


Casualties in the greenhouse. Mice ate the heads off of about 100 seedlings.

Our solution!


That’ll do the trick!


Time to go to war. Buy a cat and a weasel or ferret and they’ll have the mouse problem solved for you in no time.


They are working well. Expensive lessons! I’m starting to get a much better understanding of farmer mentality about killing stuff! I couldn’t understand killing foxes, bobcats, over chickens. I now want to wipe out the entire mouse population in that field over 100 seedlings!
I immediately wanted to get a pair of fishers. They’re like weasel on steroids


Would be a bit overkill EG. Weasels can go into the borrows and eat whole litters of mice pups as well as the parents. When I lived in the bush we’d get mice in the house like crazy and for 3 or 4 winters in a row, an ermine would move in and clean out the mice. It lived in the basement and would come out and do crazy circles and figure eights at our feet before retreating back downstairs, through the gap under the door. I once caught it playing with the dogs, I kid you not!

I miss Ermy. He just didn’t come back one winter.
And mice suck!! You know I have suffered at the hands of those little thieves too! I feel for you man.


little bastards can cause a lot of damage. sorry for your loss.


I figured bring out the big guns😂
I think we’ve all suffered setbacks from them unfortunately!
Cute picture


Damn, and I thought I was pissed when mouse got into my space and ate less than a dozen autoflower babies! I guess you have it way worse. Sorry for your loss bud. :pensive:


That’s not necessary true. If they are eating a larger percentage of your crop you may actually have it worse!
Definitely happy my one cat is a great mouser!
The others not so much :joy:


I guess that’s true! Percentage wise, I probably had it worse then lol.
Yeah, my cat is worthless. All he wants to do is play with a mouse. He’ll never finish it off. Plus, he’s not allowed in my grow. Because he eats plants.


I’ve got a huge orange cat 25ish pounds who loves pot leaves and seedlings. Only eats them from the plants! Won’t touch it if I hand it to him!:joy:


Our cat Larry is fairly large sill, but no 25lbs! He’s shrunk in his old age. Though he has shoulders like a bull dog. He is a straight fiend. No weed is safe unless its locked up. Years ago he got into one of my jacket pockets, in a closet, into the bag and proceeded to eat the better part of an eighth.
It was good stuff too. I was pissed. At least he has good taste, lol. I’d let him have some, but I’ve since learned that cannabis is toxic to felines.


Even leave is toxic?

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There are a lot o conflicting reports and medical documentation of such things. A simple google search will give you at least a dozen articles. I’ll let you start down your own rabbit hole like I just did(hehe), and make your own judgment.
I haven’t researched this in over a decade, but the “information” I just read seems to be similar to what I remember.

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Seems active thc is a problem and dry material from what I’m reading. Living leaf not so much.

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Fun fact my dog will turn his nose if I try to give him leafs from a vegging plant.
Now hand him a sugar coated leaf from a plant in flower he will eat as many as you give him…the cat only touches veg plants … speaking from what I have observed …
Hey EG you notice any tacoing once transfered to the green house ?


I’ll find out tomorrow. I just put some seedlings out 2 days ago. I’ll keep you posted.
:crossed_fingers: no tacoing or mice casualties!


I have a test subject out. .solid plant one of my reveg’s … she is tacoing pretty good in the green house …I was thinking maybe heat stress and the humidity since it’s in such a small pot…I gotta start opening more then just the door on the hoop house lol …I’m using a solar powered garden light to see if it will prevent it from flowering haha

Oh yeah .fingers crossed for you bro !

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