Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

that third pic thru me off for a sec thought u were hitting on me


I don’t think I want to know how zucchini picture goes to hitting on. I’m going to stay in my nice naive bubble.

Delicious with olive oil and salt. Made enough for tomorrow also


lmao good call good call

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Are you writing in Chinese alphabet using zucchini? lol

Good morning @Emeraldgreen and friends!


He @Emeraldgreen

How do you know when it’s zucchini harvesting time???

You see all the folks at church all locking their car doors before going into church. If they don’t, when they get out of service there will be boxes of zucchini in their car.


I hope my spelling in Chinese is better than my English :rofl::rofl:.
You’re telling me if I lock my car doors the zucchini will stop appearing!!

Good morning everyone. Have a great day


Brother, I’m talking from experience. One day we ended up with two boxes and one paper bag full to the brim with zucchini! Three different friends decided we needed more zucchini than we could grow ourselves. :rofl:
We made so much zucchini bread and zucchini marmalade… After that, we started locking the doors to the truck or car. lol


You know I’d just leave it on your hood or in the bed!!


Good morning everyone! I hope yall are having a great day so far! My veggies are taking off finally. It looks like a mini highway lol. The red is sugar snap peas 3 different variations and then broccoli and Brussels sprouts in the middle. Over further you can see more sugar snap peas and the zucchini starting in the front but the back there is just 1 that came up so I’ll have to plant more it seems. I saw 1 little celery popping up in the middle around that area too. Then to the far right is all my berry plants. I’m gonna try to run to lowes today and get some more bamboo stakes and a net to give the blackberries something to climb but that can be easily removable later. Lastly here is a avocado my wife started and forgot about so I planted it and brought it back to life. It self topped itself so I trained it out a bit further and it’s been taking off


Looking good :blush:. I’m sure you will be eating some tasty veggies soon!

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I think the slugs got the other 3 zucchini sprouts. I’ll gave to toss some more in today after I finish downstairs with the ladies. The 5x5 is popping off. I was laughing about the fact that someone told me capjunky was a small yield plant when she’s the biggest in the tent. Gotta trim some branches back in there and supercrop capjunky’s branches that are getting too tall


Looking good brother :ok_hand:

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Thanks @ItsintheGenetics I appreciate it!


A real picture of @Emeraldgreen protecting his crop…:grinning::grinning::grinning:


@Mrgreenthumb how did you get that! The cat is the real danger here :rofl::grin:
Outa :heart::heart::heart:


That cat is saying…“come at me bro”… :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


He’s also saying he is going to win :flushed::rofl::flushed:


have you ever had zucchini relish? it is like regular green relish the but the taste is out of this world it so good.

if interested i can send the recipe your way?

same goes for you @Emeraldgreen . it is an old old time recipe from my great grandmother who passed away around 1970 at the age of 84. she lived in the ice box era back when they canned everything.

i was lucky enough to get the zucchini relish recipe from my mother, and am thankful for that.
but i so wish i had been able to get her red pepper relish recipe. i have tried every red pepper relish i have come across and they are all pale in comparison to what she made.

i know it was slow and a lot of work to cook and prepare food back in those times, but omg they did things right back in the good ole days!


Sounds delicious :drooling_face:. Please send
Outa :heart::heart::heart:


Id like the zuke recipe too… if possible.