Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

Haha. There’s no way.

It’s with a heavy heart that I concede this race. We put in some late nights full of power posting and straight nonsense. Despite our best efforts, it’s clear that there is no way forward in this competition. You’ve been a great challenger and I couldn’t have lost to a better poster! Good luck in your new thread and if you don’t mind, I’d like to help you cross the finish line.


I’m not so sure about this :rofl::rofl:. You definitely have been doing some marathons over there. Sounds like trimming may slow it up a bit though


I need a good recipe for habanero jelly/jam.

That should push us into the next thread. Some vegetable talk always gets y’all chatty.


Can’t imagine why good food recipes would get us all excited :rofl::rofl::rofl:. So who is into the hot peppers?


Pic of the peppers that need jellied.


@Emeraldgreen accepted the challenge and showed he is up for the challenge
images (31)
Now onto intriguing chat about peppers…:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:


I had a ghost pepper plant for a while but had to let it go…thinking about growing them again. Those peppers sure do bring some heat


My Dad and I are very interested in growing some Carolina Reapers. Dad lives in South Carolina, and I’m about a mile from North Carolina.

I’m not much of a crazy hot pepper person, but I do love making wok oil, jelly and candy. Id like to make some fermented hot sauces too.


My dad was/is super into hot stuff. Ended up with 27 ulcers in his stomach. The whole door of his fridge was hot sauces from his friend Dave’s hot sauce catalog back in the day. There was a bottle of pure scotch bonnet oil, back then that was considered a super hot pepper, that he used for making big batches of stuff. One night a drunk friend of his came over and raided the fridge. He was eating cold cuts rolled up with cheese and putting hot sauce on there. My dad kept warning him some of the sauces were really hot and to definitely not use the scotch bonnet oil stuff. Well, drunk guy covered a piece of turkey with it and freaked out afterwards. I was in middle school at the time and couldn’t understand why all of the milk and bread were gone for my breakfast and lunch. He ate all of the bread, ate all of the ice cream, drank all of the milk, and ended up in the pool. I can’t even imagine these new peppers being bred.


Haha. In highschool I knew a kid who’s dad was a coroner. They put this gel under their nose that kills their sense of smell while working with bodies all day. It wrecked his sense of taste as well. So the hot sauce in their house was fucking HOT sauce. One day he was like hey man, do you like hot sauce. Yes I do. He brings out a tooth pick and just ever so gingerly dips the tip into the bottle. I’m like bitch please. I take the tooth pick and put it about half way into the bottle and before any one can tell me no don’t do that, the tooth pick is in my mouth. I don’t taste anything but fire instantly. I’m crying. I’m blowing snot out of my nose. I’m laughing. I think I’m crying snot. When I say that shit ruined my whole day, that was an understatement.


He gave me an insane advantage :rofl::rofl:
When I was younger I loved hot peppers. Now it just hurts beyond a certain point


I tried growing jalapeños once and the asshole squirrels wanted a snack and took a bite out of one and went on a tantrum and ripped up the other 5 I had planted. Little dude must of been PISSED! Lmfao. I try to stick to my green beans, peas, and cucumbers as they grow super easy but once I get my own land I want to like the property with fruit trees everywhere and try to become as self sustainable as possible


That’s hilarious :joy:


Hahaha At least the other guy was drunk when he did it.


One time as 11-12 year olds my buddy and I were on a surf trip on the east coast staying at family or friend’s houses. My cousin’s husband was a jacked, tough guy, former pitcher for the Phillies (mostly completely in the minors though.) Well, he tricked the heck out of us. He was growing habaneros and told us this story about how sometimes when you grow them and mess them up they have no heat to them. He ate 2-3 in front of us to prove that’s what happened to this batch and had zero reaction. So, my buddy and I decided to take bites of habaneros and they definitely had some heat to them. We were flipping out. Haha


Outta like but hilarious story!


I’ve experienced that with scotch bonnets. Buddy was making salsa with them. I was drinking and was talking chit. Ate the top of 1 and had no problem, ate a second same thing. Was pissing him off! The third piece hit the mark. It felt like a molten nail was driven through my tongue

Had a boss who would shake up a big container of cayenne pepper, he’d than stick it in your face and ask you if it smells good! Everyone sticks their nose in and takes a big inhale.

Apparently we all know 1 person who does this :rofl::rofl:


Hahaha. That’s a straight dickhead move. I’LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS ONE!


Do any of you remember the 1st time you picked your peppers? Just so happened you may have rubbed your eyes to get the sweat out of your eyes, yeah BIG mistake! :rofl:


I remember the first time I did a super hot hot wing challenge and got it in my eyes and went to the bathroom to wash my hands and wash out my eyes and also got that shit on my jank when I went to go pee. That was horrific and I see why they made you sign a waver before taking part in their murder show.