Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

She’s beautiful! I can’t wait to see how she finishes!


Looks even better than I imagined! I just love the openness. Looks perfect for an atv/dirt bike too!

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Dreamy :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


It’s a beautiful place for sure. How’re you?

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I’m doing good brother :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:, thank you for asking :relaxed:

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Beautiful country huge land and your greenhouse or more like plant factory lol that’s huge!
Plants are looking happy can’t wait to see Frankie outside! I love the smell and smoke. Come weeks 3-5 watch for possible Hermie’s on the lowers but after that she turns into a monster. Actually Frankie is in my pipe on my lap as I type.


I’m excited to see how Frankenstein does outside. She has doubled in size since I put her in! The greenhouse is a huge learning experience. We don’t have electricity up there, so no fans😳

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Good morning everyone. Today I’m celebrating 22 years sober. I’m super grateful to be alive, to have met a bunch of fantastic friends along my path.
Hope everyone has a great day


Hey, congrats EG! That’s a real mile stone and something to be commended! Hope you have at least 22 more!


Thank you buddy. It’s been a hella of a ride. :crossed_fingers: for many more


Good on you man. I’m around 5 years. I read a very interesting book that suggests alcoholism is a biological adaptation. Basically as an early
Hominid you had a better chance of surviving the winter and procreating if you were willing to (or had a taste for) fruit that had rotted and fermented on the tree already. Free calories etc.

Whether it bears scrutiny or not I dunno.

But congrats and keep on keeping on.


That sounds like a fascinating read! Congratulations yourself! Always great to realize I’m moving forward with people on multiple paths.


right on something to be very proud of! and what @Budderton said, " at least 22 more ."


Kudos to that Anniversary @Emeraldgreen.
Never to be forgotten or overlooked.


Definitely a milestone! Congrats! I remember in my late teen years I ran into situations of harder narcotics, my worst was meeting this older guy, probably mid 20’s could cop me dime bags when needed, however one day he wanted to get crack, that made me uncomfortable and nervous, but once he got it he tried to convince me to take a hit off his can pipe, I took a residual amount of smoke…5 mins later my heart was beating out of my chest so fast I wanted the high to END, thankfully it was short and that the ONLY time I’ve ever done anything cocaine related. One time I was with another group of ravers passing an opium bowl around, take a hit of that, the clenching of teeth was horrible and I hated that experience too, so my harder narcotic experiences led to negative experiences and never had an urge to do any of that. Both parents were addicts that had short lives, so I had a high predisposition to addiction but mine is only cannabis, everything else but cid and shrooms is shyt!


Greetings @Emeraldgreen.
There was some tough light when I saw Cali Orange Haze earlier. But Indid manage to get a nice shot of the Canopy and her leaves. Hope you enjoy!

Plant picture was rough at Hi-Noon!
She is a beaut though


@OriginalDankmaster96 @MissinBissin thank you both for the congratulations!

The Cali O looks great! Thank you for keeping me posted.

I definitely was not as smart as you with using drugs :joy::sob:. I took it all way past the point of when I should have stopped.

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congrats on 22 years. that’s no easy feet. I’m glad you are with us and part of this community.


Thank you! I’m grateful to be here with all of you.


Wow! What a milestone my friend. Congratulations! :slightly_smiling_face:
Here I am at day 514, thinking it’s an uphill battle.
I’m happy to hear about your win, and it is really encouraging to someone like myself.
Keep fighting the good fight brotha.
Much love!