Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

514 is awesome :clap:. Everyday is a gift for us.
Your time is encouraging also!


To be honest, it’s a struggle.
I’m still trying to accept the fact that I might think about having a drink…everyday…for the rest of my life. :confused:


A thought about a drink is normal. The thinking the drink through in an honest way is the new part to us. For me, a drink though is it would be relaxing, maybe meet new people. It is always optimistic and completely delusional. I drink and can’t stop, not fun, not relaxing, and I’m a ABC guy big time. You know alcohol becomes cocaine.
If you ever need to talk don’t hesitate to reach out.
You having 514 days and me have the 22 years yet we’re both just an arm length away from a drink


I hope so.
Yeah, I don’t really have an on/off switch either. One beer means six, lol.
I appreciate the support and you putting yourself out there. Thank you bud. :slightly_smiling_face:


Of course! We support each other


Bandaid haze ix 3.0 the cloning has begun :joy:


Brother, my heart goes out to you :heart: Listen, I came from a wealthy family full of addicts, so I experienced crazy shit though my youth. I was anti drug anything, but when I got into surfing, a whole bunch of situations came up, smoking cigarettes, which after I smoked the first one and vomited I should’ve stopped but I had a ‘buddy’ doing it with me, and he’s trying to assure me we’ll be fine and yeah, next thing I know I’m smoking 2 packs of Marlboro lights a day for the next 6 years, and 3 of those me surfing hair raising nor’easters and hurricanes, so talk about dumb :crazy_face:

But it follows drinking, which thankfully I don’t tolerate well, although one night I got brazen at bon fire party and pounded a whole bottle of Jagermeister down in front of everyone and the worst hangover after, but soon I’m faced with the next situation, as I’ve always known it since a boy TV of the 80’s ‘pot’ and that was a stop line with the crew, but they had to open my eyes a bit to see the gateway is lies. It goes into a back forth argument but finally my mind is ‘find out for yourself’ and there I remember the gravity bong in the bucket and down it went, probably at the time one of the most incredible ways to smoke how thick the hit could be. I certainly did more of those bucket bongs, but after that I was CHANGED for life for awareness, I knew THIS is all I need, as I was stoned I mentally set limits ‘you’re not going to HARD shyt’

The same group had to convince me about shrooms and cid, but tripping isn’t an everyday event to do. Extremely draining after it’s over.

To end this one of the older guy in the crew that had the weed I started with graduated me to Crippy, so now you know where I learned it from, also Bubblegum 93’, it looked grey fuzz, mixed colors, just the insanest nuggets I ever saw.

I’m guessing it’s the Indiana one (maybe I will get that one when I get the mailbox for receiving) but, anyway Brother, you have the Crippy now, trust me I don’t need a ‘stronger high’ or whatever is felt. Crippy almost makes me sick smoking too much, so THIS is all YOU ever need to get the outer limits in mind and body, so consider what I’ve sent as my gift to you to keep you from ever wanting or needing hard junk in your life. Looking forward to the fall time for the outdoor CripXmas show and I love how you’ve done with it, like caged animals in the wild. Here’s to your NEXT 20 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :facepunch: :face_with_monocle: :tada:


Good on all of y’all for kicking the habit. I use to down a fifth of whatever I could get my hands on every day for over 5 years. Ended up seriously damaging my kidneys in the process and was forced to quit. I’m sure I’d be dead now if I hadn’t been forced to stop. Keep it up, I’m rooting for you all! It’s a HORRIBLE addiction.


It sounds like we all have our moments of questionable thinking :joy:
Drink like a fish, do a ton of drugs absolutely. Ride a motorcycle, surf during hurricane or nor’easter no way!
Glad those days are distant memory for me


It’s a nasty addiction. The social acceptance even encouragement is so insidious when I think about it.


Thankfully, i didn’t have to quit it, after the herb came into my life I naturally started to hate alcohol…
It helps that my state’s alcohol is adulterated shit and it taste horrible lmao…


Congrats EG!!!

I’ve helped 5 people kick the drinking-white knuckling feeling with KavaKava Candy. You can get a case of it from Oziaoriginals.com . You keep 1 piece in your cheek or under tounge & it chills you right out.

My peeps swear by it. Its relatively cheap & you can carry it in your pocket everywhere. I don’t drink but I took it for sleep for 2 years every night & then quit no problem. Non addictive, no tolerance built either. Kava root is pretty great, it just up-regulates GABA naturally/gently. It legit works, my friends were hard-core drinkers.


That’s great to know. Thank you. Chocolate helps with the cravings also. Crazy amount of sugar in your system when drinking!
Found this little guy todayimage


I’m a 100 percent planted today Thank God!
ICC update photo


I never had a drinking problem but I’m no stranger to addiction. First with pills in the early 2000’s and then eventually heroin. Fortunately for me I was only doing that stupid stuff a few months and then I realized how stupid I was being… as it’s only a path that leads to death. I’ve been clean now since 2006… I actually needed a hobby and passion to concentrate on… and something positive in my life at the time when I decided to kick my drug habit to the curb… so I started researching cannabis indoor growing… I, with zero knowledge at the time sought to grow something super potent and all my research with limited tools at my disposal led to to believe White Widow from Greenhouse was the way to go. Now I look back and think it’s funny… because I wouldn’t grow Greenhouse Seeds now if someone paid me… but I grew that White Widow under 400W Metal Halide & HPS lamps in my closet quite successfully… and it turned out to be a really successful grow. I will say that Greenhouse’s White Widow wasn’t very potent despite what I thought… and it tasted very herbal, like green tea. It was a great experience and one I’m glad I had . It’s been nearly 20 years now… the only opiates I’ve had in between now and then were the ones admitted to me in the hospital when I had neurosurgery back in 2016.

Over the years I’ve seen past classmates, old friends, and even the mother of my 2 oldest children succumb to death from overdosing on that stuff. I count my blessings that I was able to escape that life and maintain the strength to never turn back and relapse like oh so many people that I grew up with. When Prince died in 2016 of fentanyl laced counterfeit pain pills it really blew me away. Even someone as rich & successful as him could be a victim to the tainted drugs out there that have flooded the streets. It’s sad. I really fear that my children might get offered these dangerous drugs as they get older and have done my best to drill it into their heads that it’s super dangerous and definitely not worth it.

Oh and BTW @Emeraldgreen superb work. Very impressive.


Glad you made it out! Addiction is horrible! The specific stuff is usually different for all of us, however the end result is the same for us all death, jails, institutions.
Early in my sobriety a friend told me “the first time is a gift!” Every time after gets harder.
Thank you for the kind words


Thank you for sharing bud.
Glad you’ve overcome these trial in your life.
Yes, it is something that I would never want to pass onto my children.


Congrats to all on sobriety! I surfed plenty of hurricanes and plenty of night sessions, but never messed with hard drugs. Too scary for me. Total opposites. Haha


Some more plant updates
Crippy sfv @darkillusion

Crippy A @OriginalDankmaster96

Crippy B

NL crippy

All of these are 3-4 feet tall


What are you liking best so far ?