Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

Structure wise the NL crippy. It’s more open than the A or B. I was going to be thinning out the interior of them this week while cloning them some more. The A,B both root really well.
Ultimately I like whatever smokes the best :joy:


Yes DEFINITELY do this and you will find light filters into the interior better to reach the middle and lowers :wink:


I can put my hand in by the main stem on a sunny day and no light reaches it!

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Yup it’s that dense short vegetation. She will drop leaves to yellow/die off anyway as the budding is into it’s 3rd and 4th week, so whatever you don’t get she’ll continue to open more

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That’s good to know


Baby crippy A

About 4 inches


Yes it’s a unique trait both share. They continue to drop leaves and allow middle and lower sites to blow up, it’s simply amazing, @420noob will tell you how he saw it.


Yep listen to @OriginalDankmaster96 open up a little and those lowers will make you very happy. Not larf but buds and the center yellowing is exactly because of the leaves being so blocking. Also I learned during veg is sometimes you can remove 1-3 fingers from a leaf so sun gets in but don’t lose your solar panels. Then can clear more once flower has kick in but leave the lowers! You won’t be disappointed.


All a learning experience. Thank you

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Damn I really have to pop these crippy’s soon.


have you been topping them or are they bushing out like that on their own?

bet it feels good to have everything planted!


Bushing out on their own. I’m just going to get started on under cutting and such now. It feels great being all in. It’s a bit weird though because I have stuff budding already!
Think all the rain is washing out the nitrogen and causing the earlier flowering


Photo of the atlas seeds plants


To steal an east coast saying, holy cartwheeling jebusses!! Nice work EG!


Thank you. I’m having a weird year this year. Everything is going into flower much faster than last year. The plants are literally half the size as last year. I’m a little worried :worried:
It is farming……never know what to expect


I concede defeat. The two spotted mites I got from dirty clones a few years ago win. I’m starting over because I am tired of them sucking the life out of everything! Tents emptied lights on so it’s nice an hot Let the little bastards starve!


I only use them when my room is empty but the No Pest strips will nuke anything in 24 hours. It’s really toxic shit so people, pets and plants shouldn’t be allowed in the room while it’s hanging and it needs to be vented outside once it’s done. I’d never recommend using them with plants around, I’ve heard some use them in veg but it’s just too nasty of a chemical for me to chance getting into my buds. Hope you fry the little buggers, I’ve heard they’re tough as hell to get rid of.


I’m familiar with them. Really nasty stuff. I was one of the people who used them in veg! Someone on here opened my eyes to how toxic it was. Crazy thing is they don’t test for it!
How are you?


I’m doing good, busy but in a good way. I used to use it in between grows when I’d shut down to clean. I could close off the room and then vent it out the windows when I removed it. I had spider mites about 5 years ago and it did get the room cleaned up but made me nervous working around it.
I have heard so many bad stories about sick clones wiping out grows it makes me really nervous taking cuts in. Hope you get a great crop when you fire back up.


Thank you. My buddy has been telling me for months to close down and clean. He went out and has been collecting again
The amount of extra time and effort that is added is insane