Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

That’s great!
Well, not a dead baby bird…but mother nature can be cruel at times. 5 for 6, still pretty good. :slightly_smiling_face:


Early crippy Xmas. I believe it’s B. Definitely not resistant to mold. The season has been insanely wet though. Waiting for it to dry and than sampling


monsoon wet year over here too. noticed / found a bit of bud rot yesterday. not bad yet but starting to happen. on the up side it has been pretty warm so far this september. keeping fingers crossed for a good finish to the season. :crossed_fingers:

my woman just showed me this weeks forcast ugh! more rain :grimacing:


Fingers crossed for sure. For myself and everyone else!


Tis the season ! :grimacing:
I’m just waiting for it …I’ve been hard-core cutting undergrowth and small larf that will not amount to nothing …bought a used leaf blower…dosent start go figure that my mission tonight …
Deff been a wet three days …
Tonight I’m gonna spray a baking soda foliar…
Desperate times call for desperate measures lol


What about PM???

good ole pro tekt works too.! wont leave that residue and gives the plants a bit of potassium .

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@mainerJ Hmmm then would diatomaceous earth? Do the same thing

i just looked it up wiki says it has some aluminum in it.so i would not think so because of that. would not be good to smoke. you do not have to use that brand there lots of liquid potassium silica products out there. you local hardware or garden store should have something in stock. if it stays as wet and humid as it is it will be a battle for sure. toes and fingers crossed for the finish. lol

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I always use Pro-Tekt but i’ve also gotten PM bad while using it but only one time. I just use it as PH up and for increased stem strength and more robust cellulose.


Thanks for looking Into that brother! Deff fingers crossed …sacrificing 8 ft of branch for 1 ft of buds lol

I was thinking it’s getting close to finishing. So low resistance to mold ? The plus is early finish before it gets too bad or no ? Does look very nice :+1: Almost more NL like the B3. Look forward to hearing how the sample is :wink::facepunch:

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be careful using it a a ph up adjuster. i use to do that but ended up having some plants get potassium toxicity. it did really bad / strange things to the plants. it was never a problem until it was a problem. i am on a well so water quality varies year to year season to season just ended up using to much to adjust the water to where i wanted, plants said what about what we like really loud to me.lol


I have been thinking that in the outdoor soil because it already has everything it needs. The coco coir is really where it shines for me. My RO water is always 8-9PH so I end up using ph down and then a little silica if I go too low.

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I’ve been using sulfur on the younger ones and chlourus acid on the older ones. Bud rot is more of a concern right now


I’m liking the A and Nl cross right now. I could probably cut some of the a and b this week. I’ll be looking. My area has also had an insane amount of rain this year, so definitely not a good choice for rainy areas


Shall we take a moment?

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I wish I could take a moment. I fell like I need to go find some adderal!


White vein/Green vein Kratom is a pretty good pick me up. Indonesian workers use it in the fields for energy. 1/2 teaspoon stirred into juice keep ya energized for about 6-7hrs :+1: A 4oz bag might cost ya $20-25 & last a month. Better option than pills for sure :laughing:


wow thanks Gonzo. i need a good kick in the ass for sure been dragging ass and behind all year. lol.
where do you get it from.

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