Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

I should have some epic options for you hopefully in time for spring if all goes well :crossed_fingers:t3:

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Oh shit ,I m in western mass,next to west springfield…

All outa love for some time :disappointed:. :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Yeah my back pain and anxiety are so fucking dibilatating,and I m trying to grow some old strains that are suppose to work on both,GDP ,Blueberry and a couple others. My worst problems not being able to sleep all night ,I wake up 4 or more times a night. My lifes been a living hell since I hurt my back .


I have never grown anything like 3hr smoke… :thinking:
Close maybe but not yet. lol

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You will!!! Keep in mind the more pain the more meds unfortunately. You tried the early Iranian stuff?

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I hear you on that for sure, back pain is the worst and I have spasms along with it so it makes it even worse, and I’m not touching opiates again so weed is my option, I do take relaxers here and there and my anxiety meds but other than that it’s all weed all the time, I should have a press soon (lost mine several years back) once I have that back I should be set. So good for making delicious meds, and fast too! I just gotta watch my tolerance as I completely obliterated mine on several occasions way overindulging on rosin/hash rosin. Next thing you know I’m smoking 25 joints a day chasing a buzz. :weary:


Just you wait sir, once I can s1 a few things and cross a few more I’ve got you 100% EVERYONE needs some HAOG in their life !


I find muscle relaxers are way more effective for me on most things. I have to be in bed when I take them, I’m snoring in under 30 minutes! Only thing I can do on them is warm a seat :joy:.
@TopShelfTrees1 have you tried letting indica go super long?


I have only been growing for ~3 years now so I still don’t have much knowledge concerning strains. But no I have not tried any Iranian strains.
I think that I need to grow some pure strains. The hybrids are fine but I need to know what all those were built from. I’m sure you know what I mean. lol

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I know I sent you some for pain and insomnia a while back. I don’t remember if it was pure or crosses honestly.
Your killing it also! The trick is finding what works best for you. You’ll probably want a few to rotate, so tolerance is not an issue


I do to ,I fcking hate spasms, I was on perks, then vikes then my doctor retired and I started buying all that bs and worst 4 years of pain ,addiction and just being homeless and hopeless I started to grow and breed ,I slowly tappered myself down and I ve been clean for 2 years now . I had relized I was far better dealing with my pain with cannabis and Ibuprofen then chasing drugs and pills .The shit takes a toll on you and your soul .It took everything I had to stop the cycle but I finally have my life back ,now I just try to be healthy a good friend dad and grower.


I know about a year ago you sent me some LA Affie #11 & S1 #9 from Budderton that I grew out and some Cherry Cobbler that I have yet to run.

IKR ,Back pains brutal but the not sleeping is what really kills me.


How’d you find the La affie? Looks like I need to make some packs up

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I had to take them both. I ended up with the worst SM infestation. They were such nice plants too. They made it to ~ week four of flower. I will be giving it another shot but yeah. I didn’t get to partake in any of that.

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I have, and once it’s in that cbn range it’s night night and much more pain specific I find, the buzz is way different though, you feel it in your aches and pains but not really a buzz/high per say like we are accustomed to you know

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Much much respect, congrats on doing that on your own too, I know just how insanely hard that is :facepunch:t2:


Means alot to me hearing that . Thanks brother


There are a lot of us who have been down this path. I’ve got 22+ myself. Don’t hesitate to reach out. This is why I look for test smokers :joy: