Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

It’s the same here. It’s insane how many legit prescriptions were just canceled with this new outlook. A lot of people also taking street drugs :disappointed:
I’m waiting for the view on adderal (speed) to shift the same way


Sad man, real sad! Create a need/want then snatch it away…… whos the drug dealers?


The “legal “ market is insane. My brother showed me a chart with a bunch of prescription drugs, the manufacturing cost and profit. I just remember my jaw dropping!


Yup, it’s failed Drug War logic but if pain pills = heroin use, then certainly adderral use = meth use.

The funny part is, if they take away these kids adderral they will definitely start buying meth pills in the black market. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy.

Almost no one was using heroin, until the pills got scarce. Same thing will happen with ADHD meds, they will limit production & the black market will pick up the slack.

Just legalize a safe supply of drugs. Make people stand in line at CVS for it, there’s nothing cool, counter culture or exciting about that. In one decade all the gangs/cartels = gone. Theft, murders, overdoses & overall crime down 75%. Educate people on what a lethal dose is. Give addicts a wrist-watch that detects your o2 level & self administers Narcan. So many problems could easily be solved but the status qou = $


That’s exactly how I see it playing out also


There’s no other way it can go. I say keep giving people their freaking adderral. Buuut the part of me that hates authority is like… yea ban it so I can laugh as you turn a generation of rule following middle-class yuppies into straight up rebel tweakers :wink:


Most excellent news Em!!! The older I get / the longer it takes to heal up.
I remember the days when I’d bounce back right quick from about anything. Now a scratch on my arm takes a week to heal.


I can relate :disappointed:. How are you doing?

I just can’t understand how people can’t connect the dots on stuff like ? It seems so obvious to me @Gonzo


We were all raised with ideologies that don’t track with reality. Media, church, school & indoctrination by family/friends. Puts us all in this “hazy” dreamlike state where we can effectively ignore reality, cruelty & injustice (especially when it benefits us). I think certain drugs cut through the brainwashed haze & allow for our brains to observe base reality.

Maybe other people get there from meditation or life experience on the wrong side of the tracks. You’re right though its just basic history & extrapolation from similar situations. 3rd grade pattern recognition :laughing:


The 3rd grade pattern recognition just smacked me in the head :joy:. So many people I just stopped having these conversations with, because I just couldn’t do it again.
The attention span is also shorter than I believe possible


Yup, most people care about 2 things, themselves & other peoples opinions of them. No one wants to be in the “outcast” corner with the other kids pointing at & whispering about you. The surest way to avoid embarrassment & the outcast corner is to remember + repeat w/out hesitation what you were taught. “Not thinking” is like an automatic learned response, the same as putting your hand up when a balls thrown at you.

Anyways I find it infinitely interesting. When I’m at work I hear people from all walks of life talking, all ages, all races, all classes. They are all talking about the same things, nothing profound, interesting or radical. This brief moment of life we have on this spinning rock & everyone’s just trying their best to be exactly the same. Makes me sad, wish everyone would eat 2g of mushrooms & start getting weird :laughing:


2g is a start :joy:. You ever see the add that shows all the different news broadcasts and they’re all all saying the same thing—- word for word.
I agree nobody wants to feel like the outcast


I feel the same way with these mushroom chocolates I make. I made some for all my co workers at Thanksgiving, I had more fun watching the kitchen trip balls than if I had taken a full dose myself. I like to think the joy that I grew in my closet and the kitchen ate went into the edibles we make


@hooddirt Mannnn I never really had the experience of a bunch of people enjoying a trip together :neutral_face:.


@hooddirt oh absolutely brother! Nothing like sharing the fruits of your labor with your friends!


@HighTilliDie defiantly. I rolled up a dozen or so donut joints with flower and hash I grew and handed them out to coworkers and homeless around for thanksgiving and again at xmas

some years back a friend had a wedding, paid for by trimming black market bud, at this ranch in the middle of nowhere and had bowls of nug and mush and lsd all over the ranch house. Their were probably 30 people on various psychedelics. It was the perfect spot for it their was a stream and swimming hole and bonfires with tent camping. Its a great feeling being with so many people on that level. best wedding EVER.


@hooddirt I’m gonna need an invite to the next wedding you go to! That sounds like a blast! What does raw LSD even look like before it’s made?


It’s in a crystal form


Pretty sure it’s a whitish to slightly off white crystalline type powder…

Been many years but I had many friends laying sheets and was dosed out of my mind on raw a couple times myself


I loooooove LSD :drooling_face: