Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

that sounds like a blast! Very first time I dosed, happened to be the first time I purchased bud lol. myself and 2 friends each did one. great night. that’s the most I’ve done.


lol I wish they were all as good as that one. Not sure what it looks like before its made, I know liquid lsd is clear and its been a while but I think its a little more viscous than water, not sure if thats what ur talkin about


mee tooo!! I’ve been micro-dosing for work the past month, my job is crazy boring


I’ve been micro dosing with mushrooms for a bit. I haven’t full on tripped in a while. I’ve been hearing about dmt pens recently which have gotten me thinking ( usually not a good thing :joy:)


same on both of those. I got close to a full trip by micro dosing some mush and lsd commin in on a day off. I got a friend who hit me up about one of those pens yesterday, I can’t wait. I’ve only tried dmt twice and only had a complete out of body talking to a celestial kind of trip once. Its like one of those things everyone should experience at least once in their lifetimes


dmt vapes, that was a new one for me. i did a bit of browsing and reading about them. so i could not locate a place or site to purchase them anywhere? how do you get them?

i have been thinking about trying the shroom micro dose treatments. what effects reliefs do you experience when micro dosing.


I’d ask one of my more active friends for the pen.
With the micro dosing I find that .25-.30 grams are good for me. It gives me a slight enhancement of color sounds while still not being aware of the mushrooms. They just sit in the background. At about .5 I’m aware I’m on mushrooms.
General feeling of well being to be expected


I’m loving where this thread went :laughing: :100:
Guess that’s why I like OG haha. I definitely wanna get my hands on a dmt pen, you should 100% get one if you can Emerald. I for one am very much looking forward to meeting the machine elves & aliens.

@mainerJ You could find a low-level local person on IG with a Telegram acct (thats where I see the pens) but you gotta go off word of mouth on IG recommendations, most “dealers” you see advertising psychedelics on IG are fake cashapp scams.


The wonderful way it can go! I should check into it for shits and giggles
I’ve heard some very interesting stories from people who have tried it.
I’ve read that machine elves are like 1 of 7 common visualization


Never tried lsd but I once had a buddy of my fiances we helped move and he was a drug dealer who recently quit I guess? Long story short we helped him move and in return got a shoe box full of acid. Never tried it didn’t care to so I gave it to my roommate and she tried it that night when I took 10 grams of shrooms. Turns out it was legit. Never asked for anything in return for the shoebox FULL of acid and just got a oh thanks man smh


You got any left :grin::joy:?


Tried a dmt pen at a festival last October it’s interesting haven’t had a full dmt experience though @Emeraldgreen the pens are not super strong


Good morning everyone.


I know these are older pictures but love it! I started growing outdoors mid90s then indoor pretty much til last season where I got the outdoor bug again. Such a rainy summer just destroyed what outdoor crop I had going. Such is NY though, live for the challenge! Have they re-opened licensing yet? I check periodically


Good morning @MoBilly
Good morning everyone


Last season was brutal. I’ve never seen such bad septoria in my life. I’ve been inside since the mid nineties myself. Going outside has been a learning experience for sure.
The licensing opened in October and closed in December. I expect another round for growers as the bulk of the people only want to sell :joy:


Been microdosing myself, works great. Haven’t had anxiety almost at all in the month I’ve been doing it…. Wish I tried it 5 years ago. We used to move liquid lsd back in the early 90’s. I’d get it in the 5g oil vials, then one drop from a syringe per sugar cube or two if you wanted to literally trip balls . Did that for 3-4 years, until I had a bad trip and almost murdered my best friend. That was 25 years ago or so, never touched it since. No DMT for this guy either :-1:t3:


Good morning everyone! Hope yall are having a great day! @Emeraldgreen nope that was almost 10 years ago! Lmao


Had to ask :joy:. Outa :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Haha same those stingy mofos!

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