Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

My sensor for tires is gone! Just for perspective 2013 sonata with 366k+ on her. At this point I just keep fixing the parts that go bad :joy:


That’s some solid mileage

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You still got at least another 130,000 oh shit that’s miles huh? Ok ya thats a lot.

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I bought a new Elantra a long time ago. My buddy starts giving me the, bad investment depreciation line. He got about half way through it and goes “ never mind your going to drive this until it falls apart!” :joy:
At this point I want to see if I can hit at least 500k :grin:


Haha that’s how it should be brother!

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Ahhh it is km…. Ok not as bad, my sons civic has 588,000 still runs great too


We’re talking miles here :grin:


That’s what I thought…. Damn, Toyotas go hard huh? Nice


Yeo just had something similar with my car check engine light came on then went off but once I hit 40mph or 2 grand it would start stuttering like bad almost like it wasn’t shifting it ended up being a misfire on cylinder 5 I thought it was my tranny thought I was gonna have to get a new car lol

Hope you figure it out with a cheap fix !

Some vehicles you can do a key sequence that shows the code on your dash !

My mechanic did the diagnostic for me. I just need $ and someone to look at it

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Story of my life. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


My parents used to say champagne taste on a beer budget :joy:
Got to get the champagne budget!
I can’t believe it’s colder last night at my house than yours!!

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Haha I remember that one!

I know right? Thats insane, this world is really going nuts huh? Soon I feel like it’s going to snow in Hawaii or something! Crazy


It could happen! Almost 0 in Florida I think I saw😳.


Thank you for trying to help me with it. Cars aren’t my strong point :joy:

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Me neither homie

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@Foreigner just finished making bread


Does that say “grade b” maple syrup? Yuck.


I wish! Flavor is so much stronger :grin:

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How?!?! Omg thays crazy man! We got a 2011 sonata I hate that car it’s been an electrical nightmare always something goofy going on with it. No Traction control because the brake relay sensor is being goofy which sometimes doesn’t allow you to shift from park to drive as it think your foot isn’t on the brake. Tried to swap that part 3-4x with OEM and aftermarket with no luck. Also clicks nonstop every turn and we already tore down the steering wheel internals and replaced them and they were perfectly fine smh. I loved my 05 elantra but these newer cars are so much of a headache with all the sensor and extra BS

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