Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

No weird yoga stuff from them :joy:. I can do that to myself! Just working on knee stability and maintaining control as the knee bends


That’s not bad, so it broke pretty good huh? They had me doing some kinda weird like yoga stretching for weeks before I was like I don’t need to come here for this I’ll buy a video. But I damaged the sciatic nerve and they said all the stretches he’ll over time. Did you have to get pins and plates? Also are you squeamish?

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Oh I was lucky. No surgery, pins plates I had to keep weight off it for weeks and now I’m strengthening. Some things I am definitely squeamish about :rofl:


They said stretching will heal your sciatic nerve? In my experience (from all my fam anyways) norhing heals that shiiit :frowning: If you have success with something please lemme know


Chiropractor to put everything back in it’s proper place relieved it for me. Acupuncture got rid of it.
I also took everything out of my back pockets


I like this 2012 TDI with 200000km on it.

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Alright I’ll check into acupuncture :+1:


Well maintained, just a spot of rust, and I can drive to Montreal on a single tank of gas.

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Maintenance is a killer but diesel is cheap.

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Wow diesel is cheap! Some cars are definitely worse to maintain than others

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Toronto to Montreal. - one tank of gas.

It’s pretty amazing. Only need to stop to pee.

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How far is the trip one way?

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541 km.

It’s on fumes by the time we get there, but still

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Amen to that, I’m notorious for pushing cars with no gas…

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Damn wallets man, I think people realize sitting off kilter for years takes it toll.

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Absolutely! Wallet in my front pocket for 30 years. It’s especially bad if you sit a lot


Haha that episode is burned in my brain !


I’ll see your 541 km and raise you 746 km.
Screenshot 2024-01-23 at 1.31.40 PM

…Another diesel, but with a bigger (21.1 US gal.) fuel tank. I’ve gotten as much as 48 mpg for long stretches (in the desert).

  • Correction 21.1, not 21.5 gallon tank.
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Alright going to check into acupuncture after going down that rabbit hole seems there’s actually some stuff to support that it works, which is kinda neat. Also @Gonzo yeah the stretching helps when it really fires up but I think that’s more of the muscle loosing around the nerve but it does help in the mornings!