Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

:joy::joy::joy: yes I to will take what I have no choice but to accept!
It can always be worse, but it can also always be better!

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@Emeraldgreen i did, I started on the apple cinnamon side. Tried it with apple juice and tried it with apple sauce. It’s pretty good, take a sec to get used to the non cream style to it. But it’s pretty good!

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You can add oat milk to add a bit more creamy consistency

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That cut is super mold mildew resistant too.


That is a beautiful trait


The best of all the weird milks

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Especially the chocolate! :drooling_face::drooling_face:
Although vanilla oat milk and oj create an orange cream delicious drink

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Soy gross
Almond acceptable
Rice tastes like nothing
Oat has a pleasant nutty taste.

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I agree :100: percent with that list!
Cashew milk is pretty good also

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any of you try Ripple milk? It really is good probably my favorite out of all the milksdownload (22)

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I have not seen that brand. If I do I’ll give it a try! This a new brand?


0 sugar, that’s a great baseline
I accidentally bought/drank a “fairlife” vanilla protein milkshake today, didn’t realize it was just flavored cows milk with extra protein… almost threw up, I can’t drink cow milk anymore. Tastes like bland sadness :face_vomiting:


I only like it in my coffee.


I can see calling these things “squeezins” but “milk”??? If it doesn’t come from an udder it isn’t milk. lol

I agree about store bought milk though. I can’t keep that shit down. That’s what got me into raising goats. Now that is good milk. None better IMHO.
Soy is nasty nasty nasty! Almond doesn’t taste like milk but I can keep it down. Never had rice “milk”. Oat is usable for some things as long as there’s plenty of flavor in what you add it to. I hate it straight though.

I guess it’s a good thing we all like different things though or a lot of people would be out of a job. Like all those almond milkers. Dang they must have small hands. lol


Good morning everyone. Hope you are having a great day.
@MoBilly @Foreigner


Yup, and I plan to keep the great going all day. Music with my friends this evening. I plan an easy day of working out some new old songs. lol
I have an old jazz/blues musician playing lead guitar in our band. He and I put the band together ~ 14 years ago. We put our own little spin on a lot of older songs.


That sounds like a great day! I hope your grinning from ear to ear! This practice or are you visiting one of the homes to play?


It’s practice. This evening I’ll be working with a friend who is a beginner banjo picker but the day will be spent ironing out some very old hymns that you just don’t hear anymore. We try to keep those as original as possible. We have fun with some newer songs but the folks in those homes appreciate us because we play those old church songs the way they heard them as kids.


Sounds like your going to have a great day. Super happy to hear


I hope yours is awesome as well my friend. :+1:t5:

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