Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

Good morning ! You and me both, especially little buds. Those things get neglected af!

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My solution for little buds is grind them for joints. Fast scissor for most of the leaf and into the grinder.

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Sort of off topic but I’ve been looking into one of these electric trimmers. Sort of like the trim daddy just a different brand. Runs about $108 on amazon (with the coupon they have for 25% of) and it would do 95% of the wet trim work for me. Always on the fence with electronic trimmers but I do want one eventually because my hands don’t agree with long trim times usually leaving me with limited use of my hands the next day till they quit hurting and locking up

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We used these on the outdoor plants. It saved a lot of time and space in the drying room


@Emeraldgreen I was eyeballing those cheaper tools without the weed tax and wondering if they worked just as well

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Do you feel like the trimming head is too wide on that ryobi? Looks really wide and harder to maneuver and does it takes a majority of the fan leafs and leave you with little to no tidy up after? I personally prefer doing all my trimming wet if possible


They work fine. Just grab a branch and go along the bud. Once finished grab a new branch. You will chop off branches if you go to fast and aren’t paying attention.
I find these just as fast personally

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You will need a little bit of touch up once it’s dry. How much depends on how tight you want it trimmed

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I actually like to leave them just a little shaggy. I think it helps them cure better because of the little added air space between them.

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@HighTilliDie Hey brother idk if you are up to it but I would check out the bowl trimmers Amazon has to offer …
Injures the trichomes yadda yadda …if it takes off 3-4 hrs at a rip and I see no I’ll percussions from it I’m game …
Deff have figured out through experience to cut them wet but thats also what turns people off from these bowl trimmers as well they offer a dry blade but imo it dosent work the best …
Don’t get me wrong you still need to hand trim it and cut off the leafs stems but you can toss and spin pretty quick …whole out door plants …2 hrs
Just a recommendation upon personal experience … and not having to spend a fortune
But everybody sneezes different :joy:
Have a good one bro


For personal use the trimming can be loose. If your on the market the trimming needs to much tighter to meet market standards.
@Rabeats2093 I’m all for trimmers.


I believe it for sure!! Countless hours of staring gone lmao ! Deff understand needing a better trim job ! Once the nuggets r dried it’s short work to trim of the crispy sugar leafs …but also makes for more handling !

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The handling part is the issue. It all takes so much time. :flushed:


Deff and we all know that time is important!

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The time is insane. I did the math last year. If I spent 1 minute on each plant it’s 60 hours! I never spend a minute on a plant :joy:


Psft whats one minute to a plant!!
“Okay I’m gonna check this thing out …checks it out for 30 seconds …takes 10 seconds to get out scissors /tools …better be fast at clipping fan leafs lol …
Talking a lot of hours you spent with them ladies !


Good morning everyone. May we all have a great day


Good morning!


Good morning @Emeraldgreen et al.

Re Trimming: I bought one of those hangable 7- or 9-row drying racks that had/has a pair of trimming scissors included in the package. …Never even opened the package, since I decided to hang my plants rather than chop them into little nuggets. So I’m using a regular (though streamlined, very sharp and easy-to-clean) pair of scissors for trimming. It works for me! :slightly_smiling_face: I guess that’s one advantage of having such a small grow room. (Silver lining for every cloud.)

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Good day my brotha! And everyone else!
I’m curious about those electric trimmers. Pretty cool