Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 2)

The real question is why don’t they make a larger home grow unit? 2 lbs wet weight? What is this a drying machine for ants?


I saw they have a stacking accessory now, and that’s alright, I get it. It’s a bit much stacked on a bit much.

It seems like a larger home unit would make sense. Something between $1500 and $15,000 maybe.


That’s what keeps me away from it. Let me get 2-3 lbs dried/cured flower out of there and I’ll grab one. Haha. I might try to rig up a wine or mini fridge here soon.


Couple of guys are getting really close with home jobs. I think if you’re an electrician or in HVAC you have a better chance of figuring out something that works.


Need to design a humidor closet or cabinet.


Once you all figure it out let the rest of us know :grin:


As long as everything is separated and in perfect conditions. Should be like cigars or tobacco.


Cigars aren’t coming out that wet and needing to be dried though in the humidor. It’s controlling those spikes from freshly harvested plant matter as opposed to just maintaining an already dried and rolled cigar that makes it tough. The mini or wine fridge, or regular fridge, is the way to go and try to figure out for home growers. They have sick ass dry/cure room setups now for commercial, but that’s big bucks and quite a bit of space taken up.


That’s once hung dried and trimmed. For storage purposes.


We would cram a bunch of plants in a space and run the dehumidifier for 6ish days. Then break the plants up into totes until we can trim them. 8 plants in a tote so they wouldn’t overdry while trimming, also so the boss could tell if we were helping ourselves :rofl::rofl:


Seems expensive to have a room just for that. Just bag it up and get it out the door or into the freezer once it’s ready. Haha. Those folks with barns and places that stay with pretty perfect conditions are lucky though.


There we go with the freezer mess again :rofl:


Each his own I know most hang with a fan and a dehumidifier set. Cure believe it or not in most dispo are in turkey bags. I perfer atleast 2 months in Grove bags but that’s just me brother. :grin:


Hey man, some folks seem to like their weed degrading. I personally don’t. Haha. Freezer stops that from happening. But, if you can’t get a nice long slow dry/cure (17-20ish days), like most of us home/hobby growers struggle with, or can’t wait to harvest until properly matured, then that degradation helps mellow things out. I can’t wait for the science to truly come out on this. Then, nobody will need to discuss it again and we’ll have our answers. Until then, who knows.


That’s one problem with government being involved. They’ve held up so much research on the plant itself. Isreal is way ahead of us from my understanding.


The science Ive read so far doesn’t give a wet fart about curing. Every article wants to mobilize water out as quick as it goes, then done.

Exact opposite of all the old heads with their 99 day dry and 666 day cures.


Once it gets opened up enough to where grad students and whatnot can start messing with cannabis in their labs for credits and whatnot, the information will start flowing out. I was just at UF today. Once those folks are able to use it for studies we’ll really start to learn about it.

Israel is definitely far ahead of us on many things. Haha


All the science is going for fast drying as a mold prevention.


That’s what I try to say on the sly, because people freak out. I don’t believe in any cure, but I definitely don’t want the quickest dry possible. There’s still some things that need breaking down and also I’d like to preserve as many volatile terps as possible at a low temp. 60/60 range works a treat for 17-20ish days and then it’s the best it’ll be in my opinion. Just like if you take that flower that’s never been above 60*, open it up, and smoke it in a room 60* and under it’s going to be better. Shoot, just popping open a sealed bag or jar in a humid room quickly changes the flower.


Exactly. Plus, quicker turnaround and less time running drying equipment equals more money for those commercial ops. But, look at everyone bitching about how dispo flower smokes.