Enter the Natrix

Nothing to special or crazy. I am a bit older grower that’s been around for a minute. Back before YouTube I remember being on cannabis culture website a bunch watching those videos of peps involved there back in the early mid 2000s. Enjoyed watching a dude by the name La Sparka and getting a kick out of those vids.

For the grow, white black poly material
2 philzon pd450 lights. ( first run with 2 lights)
Promix mycorrhizae medium
Gaia green all purpose and power bloom for nutes
3.5 gallon mayonnaise pails for containers.
6 inch ac infinity exhaust and filter.
Small heater come winter time.
One tower fan at the moment. 2nd available.

8 fem Juicy fruit seeds started. (11 days and 3 days old)
5 @Wizdom boo seeds ( 3 days old)
5 reg The Breath seeds (11 days old)
4 clones of an unknown kush variety

Temps have been around 83-88 at plant height. A bit higher than I am used to but I think the early veg is loving the warmer temperatures. Fall is coming in my parts so temps will be slowly dropping down. I m really hoping to find a special juicy fruit but something tells me they are all going to be pretty uniform and similar. Fingers crossed.

and one of my prep room right before the garden room.
I will try and keep up to date. I have 6 weeks left of my seasonal job than will be able to put more focus into this winter project. Just wanted to make sure I had some plants ready for when I will be ready, lol.


This man eats a lot of mayonnaise.


It was interesting to hear about the online cannabis culture. :open_mouth:

Who’s the juicy fruit from, Sensi seeds? Used to smoke it alot, and buds were big and heavy with that chewing gum smell. Haven’t seen or heard that name in a really long time. Not the strongest of smokes, but very plesant from memory.

I was kinda hoping the 20 mayonnaise pails would give a chuckle to somebody lol. I own a seasonal restaurant so those pails are pretty handy. Upset my name isn’t mayonnaise man now ha.
Cannabis culture magazine had or maybe still has a site with a forum and a pot tv channel that was the one of the only early ways of watching Cannabis programming. Had a bunch of content on there in the early 2000s.
The juicy fruit is from bcbuddepot. I tried to get sensi but everywhere I looked was sold out or wouldn’t ship to Canada. The seeds are supposed to be based of the original genetics though as far as I can tell. Tried juicy fruit in 2008 and always wanted to grow it ever since. Now I finally pulled the trigger. I am pretty excited to finally be growing it. I might pollinate it with some Tropicana pollen I saved from a super fruity male. We will see if she all works out!


Don’t be fooled. That mayonnaise was his personal supply.


A little update. Will try and do one every 3 days or so.
Day 15 and day 6. The front left 3 (on the right side) are the 15 day old juicy fruit. The middle one already had an amazing stem rub. More spearmint than juicy fruit gum but really fresh to breath in.

Plan on hanging the filter just haven’t purchased a new one yet. Once I get one shipped out I will hang it up.


As someone who uses cat litter buckets, I did chuckle a little bit :rofl::rofl:


Brought a plant in from outside and now i think i have a problem lol. Noticed those guys on the plant and took it back outside asap. Now those little dudes are covering a few of my little plants.
I washed them with soap water and stripped them right down to nothing pretty much. Going tonget some neem oil tonight hopefully and stsrt spraying my plants with that. I brought a couple lady bugs into the room in the meantime.

Juicy fruit is on the left. The breath and boo on the right. The breath are the larger ones.


Thinking I am winning the battle with the little aphids. Sprayed again today with neem, soap, and water. Hopefully I dont see any of those fellers ever again. Bought some safer end all miticide, insecticide, acaricide concentrate that should arrive late next week. I will apply that as well once it come in.
Day 21 for the larger plants 3 on the left.
Day 13 for the smaller ones. All juicy fruit on left.

Day 21 (the breath) on the right are the larger ones. Day 13 for the smaller (boo) in the front right.
4 in the middle are a kush variety.
Until next time


Little update.
Tranplanted the kush variety into there forever homes.
I haven’t noticed any bugs for a couple days now. Will still apply the safer product once I receive that package. Noticed some leaves took a bit of damage from the neem and soap but nothing to bad.
Juicy fruit. Almost all of them have a bit different stem rub with 3 of them being really close to what i am looking for!

The breath are the larger ones and bag of orange are the five smaller ones. The boo are all really similar in growth structure and looking super nice.

Then a overall pic with the newly tranplanted kush variety in the middle. Still not sure if those are male or female yet. They are clones of a plant i had outside.

Until next time


Little update.
Everything seems to be bouncing back after the couple sprays i gave them. All the new leaf growth is looking nice.
Regretting the plants being 10 days apart now. Originally i had started 6 night nurse seeds as well with the 5 juicy fruit and 6 the breath seeds. Not one of 12 seeds ended up germinating so i started more seeds about a week later.
Just watered everything with molasses and hygrozyme. I always water with RO water.
Might flip in 2 weeks. Going to take cuttings of the plants i am like before i flip to flower.
I will get better with pictures when i have more time in 4 weeks. I hope ha.

Juicy fruit side of room with one the breath in the front.

The breath and boo side.

Overall tent with kush variety in the middle
Until next time


They are starting to believe!
Tent is organized with the larger plants on the outside walls to allow my fans to move the air around alittle better. So that being said everything is kinda all over the place. I just finished trimming up the bottoms on all the plants. No signs of any bug life so not disappointed there. They all seem to be bouncing back fine and starting to pick up again.
I top dressed some of the larger plants that have been in the pots for about a month now. I will top the rest up before i flower in a couple weeks. Starting to realize how much time is needed and water requirements are necessary for this many plants haha. Using around 25 gallons a week or so so far. Most i ever ran before was 9 at a time and i had a lot more free time on my hands.


Finished up top dressing everything. Still cant believe the water requirements atm. I buy RO water and live in a tiny town. I am pretty much buying the town out lol. That being said everythings watered up and ready to roll.
Two of the juicy fruit plants i have are flowering. Not sure why. Lights were on 20 hrs on. The others are not. I think they must have some ruderalis in them to make them perhaps?

Turned the 2 philzon 450w up to 100% and flipped the switch to 12/12 today. The tent is getting full enough and u want to run a least 2 runs this winter so now is the time.

I will take cuts of anything that sticks out.
Here we go!


Got the new filter set-up!

Plants got organized again based on size. The 10/14 days apart from one set of plants to the other is just enough to make a big difference lol. The 2 lights might come in handy in the beginning at least keeping shorter and taller plants apart. I don’t have time atm to trellis probably so just going to let them do there thing and i will bend some plants when i need to.
Left hand side with some of the taller plants.

Needed to move the rest out of the way to hang the filter up.

Hoping my pictures get better when i am not in such a rush. I cant really take a great picture of the whole room unfortunately because the door i made is just to small to open right up.

The protector