Environment here changed

Considering some of the insults and insinuations being thrown at Joe and the Mod, he’s being pretty restrained imo. More so when it comes from newer members acting like they own the place or think this is a democracy where the loudest voices win.


Yeah pretty damn shocking reading comments like this from a mod on a thread created by the Joe I thought we wernt suppose to discuss things like that.


If your referencing @monkeyman he is not a new user it clearly states old school member. And I didn’t see him use a single insult. He brought up points jn a civilized manner that were relevant to what was being said? At least that’s how I read it.

And what insults were thrown at the mods. I didn’t quite catch those?


I’m not referencing him.

1 Like

We’ve always said, if you don’t like it here, it is your choice to stay or leave. Really not interested in glad handing the folk making demands and accusations. Who would?

Those that throw the first stone. I do appreciate that you are trying to support your buddy but my response is the same. Like I said, if you or anyone else wishes to leave … no one is holding you hostage. Or, you could stay. Either way, I’m not here to glad hand a subset of the community because they developed some sort of conspiracy about the owner of this site all the while demanding information that is really none of their business.


What a ship wreck lol glad I didn’t start it
Happy Friday


Not entirely true…

Pay for a dedicated server, and I can host as many sites as I want on it. That dedicated server has say, a 4TB drive. That 4TB is shared across all the sites on my dedicated server. I could have a dedicated server and rent my friend Tom some space on it, he uploads a million photos, and it would affect my other site / use space available to me.

Pay for a single site on a shared server, aka a Virtual Machine or “shared hosting”, and THEN the server space is per site. Dictated by software.


Hi everyone I’m around :grin:. See all the “friends” are out in full force!! Makes for good reading. Make sure you pay attention :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. :rofl:. Stay Airborne!!


“I don’t have time for this. Are you planning on causing an issue?”

You have been silenced from the forum until July 26, 2021, 12:00pm.

Just so people know, Loki is banning people via PM from this thread.

I was emailed this from a friend on here.

So anyone thinking that the mods are being transparent? Well they would rather fight, cause drama, lie about their intents and ban people, than shut this thread down.


not surprising, it seems to be on-brand for this place lately


Alrighty. Here’s the deal, you’ve just shared a PM publically that went to a different user who refused a moderation action.

Have a nice day.


I can… We’re tired of repeating ourselves over and over and over an nauseam…

I gets super old.


Pretty damn shocking this thread is still open to begin with considering we’ve went over the same shit about 48586837 times here so far.

And posting PMs is a permaban offense sir.


Very true. The mods are a joke. Any business with a management team that treats their customers (they make money by us being here, so that’s what we are) would either;
A. Clean house by firing them and hiring people that are qualified for the job.
B. Go out of business because people stop coming.

Welcome to phase 5. Desolation


No just trying to say this isnt the conclusive evidence you think it is. But hey keep on possibly exposing the owner of this site for all to see. Sure you wont mind when it gets shut down like the previous one

Well you just became the punch line.

You are not a customer. This site offers no paid services. We are unpaid babysitters that try to keep peace. Unfortunately, some like to rabble rouse…


if anyone like the feds were really serious about tracking down LemonJoe they don’t need for me to be the one to point out the obvious, the info was easily found in a few minute web search and then backed up with info that we all know to be true. If he was really concerned about hiding his identity he would have taken better steps to do so, I am not sherlock holmes and I dont have super-ninja interwebs powers


I sat for hours watching this train wreck last night and here it is still going. This all seemed to derail when someone called Joe dishonest. What does anyone hope to accomplish by feeding into this? Please just stop people, there is nothing going to be accomplished here other than making things worse. Right or wrong, just stop. Please.


Heard and heard.


This shit show is over until people can cool off