Environment here changed

Yeah sorry I saw that after, just wanted to try and help clear the air is all


All good cuz :+1:

Has anyone heard back from @Worstsideman63 ?
I know you feel bad @Syn. Iā€™ve been there in real life. Iā€™m sure he will peek in and see heā€™s got a bunch of DMs. I sent him one as well. I hope he knows which is which. Lol.
I was so scared of this happening to me when I was coming in to Overgrow. I picked my clicks and felt the climate. It takes a while of reading someoneā€™s posts to figure out what kind of person they are.
This is no way towards you @Syn. I took me along time to get comfortable. And it should. I have respect for what others have built but I also understand that some donā€™t have the same ā€œawarenessā€ so I try not to jump to conclusions. Try is the key wordā€¦ There has been a lot of times I have to re write what I post because I feel it could be misconstrued.
So try to feel the new peeps out.


Ok, not trying to derail the thread but just in case anyone needs it this might help :slight_smile: I know this is a serious discussion and I am not trying to undermine it, just add a moment of humor.


Oh I donā€™t think so. Iā€™m not doing that asshole any favors. Heā€™s always talking shit behind my back!


Why donā€™t we have a subsection dedicated to polls? Whether dumb polls people think of when stoned or pinned polls that pertain to community environment and politics (as much as I despise that fucking word)?

Or am I just too dumb and canā€™t find it? Iā€™m gonna check again real quick and possibly delete thisā€¦

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I did it too. Over on the other thread the old ā€œchatā€ thread. But they might have already returned for a fresh round.

I think the biggest problems with the forum culture at this point is single sentence posts, and single word posts. People are using the forum like a chat message app, but it is actually a tool for long-term publishing of user generated information.

How is a single word or sentence going to make the forum a better place in the long term? how will it benefit users in 3 to 5 years when they try to read through a thread for grow information, or try to read through an old seed run thread to learn about the lineā€™s parents?

The forum is built on conversation but I think if people put a little more time into their posts, they could be a lot more efficient, and create something that is actually useful in the long term as reference material.

Itā€™s good that people are using the ā€œchat roomā€ thread more now, but if people donā€™t voluntarily reign themselves in a little bit it will create problems. Cluttering a thread with too much one line back and forth posts essentially makes it disposable.

No one will be able to read back through the entirety of those free seed threads. What if they want to give the seeds to someone else, and want to give them a link to the original giveaway, or original breederā€™s description? even if they searched the strain name in the appropriate thread, the results would be full of ā€œdibs on _____ā€ posts.

Iā€™m just suggesting that people consider what kind of thread they will be leaving behind before they make a post.

If you have a lot of questions, make a numbered or bulleted list in one post instead of going back and forth with someone when you ask for advice.

If you are doing a giveaway, make a post with a wiki or a poll as your sign up instead of asking people to post dibs.

instead of making multiple replies, go back and edit your first post. if you are continuing a conversation, you can use an @ sign if you need to get someoneā€™s attention rather than making a new post.

if you are telling a story, take the time to collect your thoughts, type it all out, edit it, and format it so people can read it easily.

Keep in mind there are a lot of tools to edit and compose our posts.

I think we can improve the site and its culture by improving our own contributions.


Sorry bud but that feels more like making a work report and you lost my interest. I agree in many cases you are correct however I also donā€™t think people are going back years from now looking through the free seeds threads for actual info. Now what you say would make sense in things like grow journals and help threads, on that I agree with you but I donā€™t feel that would make some things better the same it would others.

People playing games and calling dibs is as much about the fun they are having at the time as it is about the prizes. Taking that away, at least in my opinion, makes it too cold and impersonal. Many people have had great nights going back and forth on that thread laughing and carrying on. Taking that fun away and replacing it with a cold list does not sound like a better way to me.

Personally I find this site is about the relationships as well as the info. I just donā€™t see the benefits to removing those good times so we can post cold and clinical posts all the time. Itā€™s one thread on the entire site in the end, there should be plenty of room here for both a clean and informative journal and help area as well as a thread were people can joke and have some fun while spreading seeds. That fun, comradery and group fun makes this a better place in some ways. Just my opinion.


That is just the type of thing I think about before making a post. I donā€™t post any information that isnā€™t factual, and I consider if it will hold up and remain interesting and informative years from now.

Just to give some context to my input, the other forum I go on has had many people that consistently posted well written grow logs and information since 2006. I still go back and read those posts for reference. People seem to get bored of overgrow and leave after a relatively short period of time. Iā€™m trying to think of ways that we can make this place last and stay relevant in the long term.

I didnā€™t say ā€œdelete the friendships and post cold clinical text like a robot.ā€
But our contributions are the entirety of the site.

whether itā€™s a seed run or a joke thread or chat thread, Iā€™m just suggesting people consider what kind of contribution they are making, and try to make sure their posts add to the discussion, and to the community as a whole.


As I say, I agree with you to a point. I did a grow journal and it is not full of jokes and irrelevant info. I also did a seed run documented daily which is full of great info and input from some incredible members here. Years from now people can go back and look through that to get information so I consider that a great thing. Taking away the fun and banter in one thread out of the thousands here feels like going to far. I cannot see anyone going back years down the road looking through the free seeds and clones thread for helpful information when there are literally thousands of other threads that will be much more informative.

Just seems to me having one thread where people are doing that is not the make or break to this place. In my mind having one thread where people donā€™t have to think about their contributions to the entire site but rather just have some fun is perfectly acceptable and makes this place better, not worse.

Now thatā€™s just my opinion and perfectly cool if you donā€™t agree. Like I said, I donā€™t see why there canā€™t be room for both.


I didnā€™t say anything about that, or rule changes of any kind.

I specifically said that I would encourage members to simply (and voluntarily, at their discretion) put some consideration into the content and formatting of their posts, and whether people will still want to read them a few years from now.

In other words, when I make a post, I think to myself ā€œam I adding a lasting positive contribution to this site?ā€ before I hit reply.

I think I have made my point clearly.


I guess it was the quote above that gave me the impression as that would effectively take away the fun I was speaking of and turn a fun night of giveaways into a boring list. Thatā€™s all I am saying. Not trying to argue about anything. We just donā€™t see this particular point the same which is perfectly fine. Should be room for all opinions on OG.


This is simply what I would do if I were to host a giveaway, and an option I would like people to consider.

I definitely think that the co-op organization would have been impossible without utilizing these tools.

Should be room for all opinions on OG.

there certainly are, that is one of the things that always makes this a welcoming and fun community.


Itā€™s maybe gotten a bit more casual in the covid times, but at the core OG is still OG. Things are going to change, thatā€™s life. I think this thread is helping to raise awareness and steer the ship in the right direction though.

Discouraging the selfish, greedy, narcissistic sort of behavior thatā€™s fashionable in general these days should help. Keeping the topics more focused will help too. Free beans and banter are good for building community, but too much of that content could attract a crowd less serious about growing and put extra load on the servers. There are a lot of well intentioned, extremely kind and generous people here trying to share the love, if new users are trying to take advantage of that they need to be called out.

When I send out the occasional pollen chuck I check profiles to screen out the leeches, to avoid encouraging bad behavior. Itā€™s my hope that someone actually grows those out. If they get traded around I hope at least I can get credit so I can watch if theyā€™re grown out. But itā€™s a gift, so whatever happens happens.

Interesting discussion, but I donā€™t think weā€™re on a bad course. Still probably my favorite place on the internet.


Well and truly said my friend.


Totally fair bud and I respect your opinion. I do tons of giveaways and they are fun for most. I would not however try that with my preservation seed run that I put the list up for with 225 spots. I gave out 100 packs of pollen and for that I used a list. I agree those tools are very important. The Free seeds and clones thread is the only thread on the entire site where I would utilize the dibs or trivia type giveaway style as people seem to have a good time doing it. This keeps this type of thing limited to 1 space. I would think of making a different thread to do this but than that would move giving out seeds to more than one place and I think for consistency it best it all happen on that one thread. But I really do see your point, there are many posts that donā€™t really do anything for anyone so there is defiantly room to tighten things up. Appreciate you giving your opinions bud, seriously, all the info in this thread has made me change my ways some for the good of the site.

I see that as the biggest issue to be honest. Whenever free things go out it brings in those who only want those things. Those are not the type I want around here as I am sure most donā€™t. Better vetting of who is allowed to be included in such things and a slow down in general of those giveaways will help IMO. While I wonā€™t stop what I do as many people including myself enjoy it, this thread has defiantly made me evaluate things some. I have slowed down my giveaways a great deal and am looking more closely at those who is involved. While I think such giveaways are fun and add to this place they do need to be thought about as too much attracts the wrong people.


Iā€™m beginning to think itā€™s just a question of generation gap. Older people (like me) are not comfortable with that kind of games and trivia who attires perhaps youngish and not so committed people.

That could be a quick resume, I appreciate the efforts made to slow that process and begin to think we can find a reasonable compromise between both points of view. I also agree with having quality contents and resourceful info, that combined with the expertise and commitment to help makes this forum the place to be.

I know the world is changing, but that doesnā€™t mean we should forget our past and what has made this forum the favourite among most of us ā€¦ :sunglasses:


Free seeds in the right hands at the right time turns a dibber into a grower.

I get where @DougDawson is coming from.

He gives away seeds on the free seeds thread RIGHT NOW.

Asking people to sign up takes away the fun and excitement of the instant giveaway.


I also get where the legacy members are coming fromā€¦

ā€œThis isnā€™t how we did it in the old days when pot was illegalā€¦we had to be CAREFUL, we had to take time!ā€

Itā€™s a brave new world.

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