EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

yeah in a hydro environment that could cause some issues, also consider next round bumping up the general temp by reducing say the extraction fan if possible, higher temps mean more transpiration by the leaves forcing a bit more uptake and conversely the required running ec will likely need to be a bit lower aswell.

It just Leds dont heat up the leaves like say hps or mh do with their excess IR so you have to sorta compensate for that and likely run higher temps. If you have an IR temp reader it may be worthwhile to look at your leaf temps and get them raised, like im not saying what i do is anywhere near ideal though for comparison my leaf temps are more in the 82-85F range with room temps warmer than that.


Yeah Iā€™ve got a ir radar type thermometer.

It being form eBay and likely Chinese I dunno if I trust its readings to be honest. I can easily get the temps up into mid 80s by just closing the window in the room the tent is situated. Iā€™ve got the intake drawing from outside that way. I think this grow is what it is. The room is upstairs so dumping the rez is a PITA but to fill it I drag my auto retractable hose up through a window. I may try siphoning out of the window into the drain in the garden. Cheers for your feedback @Mr.Sparkle itā€™s appreciated my friend. :+1:


Iā€™ve got a cheap one and it works pretty good. Just not so much on reflective surfaces :+1:


Iā€™ll have a play around with it on Saturday. See if where my sonoff th16 is situated reads the same :thinking:


most ir guns are effective, though they do have one issue that most people dont realize and thats make people question them its their ability to read different objects Emissivity or its ability to radiate thermal energy and the gun read it. So base of it you point that at something shiny aka a SS pot or reflective surface its doesnā€™t work that well, a black paint area, water, or other non reflective surfaces your good.


Itā€™s very bad at reading a frying pan unless it has oil in it so agreed :+1:


Also it doesnā€™t do too well at extreme distances. Iā€™ve played with mine a lot. Itā€™s a ray gun :rofl:


Iā€™ve used it a few times in the summer and pointed it at the top of the outside of the grow tents if Iā€™ve been worried about the temps. Readings were always stable with little fluctuations.


ā€œGangsā€ around here use them to check temperatures on suspected growhouses before they kick the doors in :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Oh shit thatā€™s not good. Around here a roof without snow surrounded by other roofs covered with snow is a dead giveaway. At least it was before LEDs took over.


I used to have one of them exact gizmos myself. Battery on mine used to go flat while it was switched off. Itā€™ll be 6 feet under by now at our local rubbish tip along with a load of ph pensā€¦and fans

btw i got mild tip burn on the trizzlers at EC 1.5, they were still fairly small but most autos donā€™t handle much above 1.6 .maybe 1.8 at mid bloom for a week to ten days lol


Mines had the same battery in for over a year and still shows a little over half full. Typical Chinese reliability eh?? This gives me less hope of it being reliable or accurate :rofl:

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Yeh like their ph pens eh :face_with_raised_eyebrow: total :poop: their EC pens can be ok sometimes but they are simple things in comparison

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Iā€™ve had the pH pens in the past but quickly got binned. Bluelab pH pen and milwaukee e.c meter now. Just need to get my head around cleaning and re calibrating them on a regular basis :rofl:


lol aye you canny let yer bulb go dry eh. I just binned my last bluelab ph pen last week. Just as well i keep the drops for an emergency. Donā€™t think iā€™ll be replacing this one, it was looked after better than any iā€™ve had in the past and it still fucked up at just over a year old


I may try this pH perfect stuff in the future. Something that sounds too good to be true usually is but @George and a few others swear by the stuff :thinking:


Youā€™re talking about a buffered nutrient?


I still had to adjust the ph cos our water is often 8+ and it doesnā€™t manage well at all when it needs to be 5.8. Got bad lockout issues but iā€™d very much like it to work too :rofl:


Yes mate. The thing is a canā€™t see the buffers lasting all that long. Sometimes I donā€™t even see the inside of my tents for a week at a time. I quickly open the control bucket. Sit the meters in the solution. If stuff looks OK I leave them another week :rofl:


Iā€™m using Jackā€™s. I do get some drift but itā€™s not bad.