EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

I’ve started using maxibloom. Supposedly really close to Jack’s 321?? Expensive shit after using mega crop for 3 years :rofl:


I’m back with canna coco cos it’s reliable and doesn’t seem to form crystals in the bottles like most others i’ve used. Fairly cheap in 5L quantities…if your not growing a forest :laughing:


Ionic one part stuff is OK also bro. Cheap af. Think last time I bought some it was £22 for a 5l bottle. No measuring. Just keep dumping it in until you hit the ppm you need. :+1:


Yup i’ve used ionic a number of times in the past, they make good nutrients.
That shogun stuff works ok too but it forms crystals if you don’t use it up quite fast
Might try that buddhas tree stuff some time


My grows since I stopped using megacrop have suffered. I just don’t like paying £100 out in one go like that BUT if it’s stored correctly the 22lb bag will last years. I may go back lol


I cant seem to keep powdered nutrients for any length of time, come feeding time it’s one lump or two :rofl:


i was running into bacteria bloom issues, jacks so far has been decent though still need to play with it more and run some things out, dialing it in aswell.


I’ve got half a bag there that I refuse to put my hand in to scoop some out as its like putting your hand in a blocked toilet :rofl:


Been there a time or two, often when you get the temps up. It’s one reason i’m using hempys again


lol i had some that became a sort of lumpy paste. The bushes in the garden outside got a massive feed so it wasn’t wasted. They were shocked but seem ok now :laughing:

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I’ll use it on my outdoors summer grow and the veg garden in the summer. It won’t go to waste. I’ll likely brew up one big liquid version that I can add a little bit to water though. I’m dammed if I’m gonna put my hand in it more than once :rofl:

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Jacks unfortunately isn’t available over here. I’d done some homework and found out that maxibloom is near enough the same when it comes to NPK levels. Supposedly maxibloom can be used start to finish and the maxigrow isn’t really needed :thinking:

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Maybe ok when growing in soil/compost but not sure i’d try that one in hydro

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Back of the bag states its fine for hydro mate.


Yeh i meant only using the bloom all the way through, might not work so well in hydro

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Ahhhh got you. Its supposedly as close to jacks 123 you can get.
Fuck it. I’m gonna buy another 22lb bag of mega crop for next grow

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Not reusing coco anymore. Had one plant grow from about 6 seeds using it. I think I’ll just pull the 3 empty pots and fill a net up with the single peach tree that remains by doubling its veg time. :+1:


I thought maxibloom was a 1/3/3 so only good for w3 onwards ? Good stuff but pricey

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Confusing isn’t it??? 1 part nutrients | Grasscity Forums - The #1 Marijuana Community Online

Maybe his bag soil has a lot of n init and he flips just rooted clones , that’s only senario I see that working lol

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