EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

God knows. I just want to “kiss” with everything. I’ve seen comments on “other” forums that say it works like I mentioned.

I don’t think any one part will give you the quality of flowers we are after


I have 2 tents small one is for my personal stuff. Big one is for profit.
My “profit” tent I’d not personally smoke BUT I know 100% it’s got no PGR or anything that’s gonna effect anyone’s health in it. Compared to what the Algerians or Asians grow over here my smoke is like taking daily vitamins :+1:


I know , all that’s here is star dog lol I swear it doesn’t even taste like weed to me it makes me cough and tastes like perfume haha no one grows here anymore , so I can’t even smoke in public ( ish ) anymore , as it raises too many eyebrows

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Ah your uk?? OK I’ll try and explain my method.
I grow stuff that is different to what anyone else has. Usually cali strains. At some point people get bored of the same taste and effects so they say to a friend. “I’m sick of smoking dawg” his smoking pal says “I know a bloke that has gelato or sugar cane” I profit but I also avoid having my phone ringing all night. I’m not greedy. I don’t wanna be a millionaire (lies I do so I don’t have to sell anymore)


As long as your tap water pH is not way out of range it works, only use my pH meter when I flush, judge by yourself, just some windburn because of the fan … ejem|nullxnull


Yes uk : ) just be careful with the maxibloom as it has good calcium mag and iron in there , which is great buuuuut once you go over a certain ec if your a heavy feeder , the excess calcium and mag might affect things

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What’s them @George ???

Sexy @George : ) where’s that red head emoji : )

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Your 4 Jack Rainbow :rainbow: and two Mothers milk x Nepali temple from Motz, love OG … beer3|nullxnull


Bro I’ve been growing for a lot of years. My issue is I’m lazy af. I’m a roofer by trade. I work 9 till 5. Once I’m home I can’t be arsed most days. If I yield more than I pay for electric I’m happy. Honestly. I can grow amazing plants when I have time to give them :+1:


Ahhhh bro. Your doing me proud. They are bushes looks like your mistakes are behind you now eh??? :heart_eyes:


I had good masters teacher|nullxnull and always receive friendly advices from the people that really know what they’re doing … beer3|nullxnull


Ignore whatever I tell you :rofl:


Cant blame me either :laughing:


One week later.
@ReikoX your ghost rose is the biggest in the tent. I’ve got 2 in that same bucket and they are growing really different. The big one its pistils are a lot thicker than its sister for some reason. The Frost is off the charts as usual :+1:

Trizzlers are doing better but nowhere near what @Hydro921 wife grew :thinking:

Purple lemonade doing better and showing their colour.

Wedding cheesecake best get a move on :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Multi-poly-hybrid. :wink::rofl:


Some girls are thicker than others. I’ve got multiple exes that will confirm my findings :rofl:


Out of 4 peach tree seeds I have one remaining.
For some reason I can’t for the life of me get more seeds to sprout. Managed to get a discreetseeds do si dos above the medium. Waiting on a tastebuds grape gusher and a caliconnection Buddha tahoe og.
Honest I’ve tried cracking about 10 other seeds and NOTHING :thinking:

Need to slow the peach tree growth rate down somehow :thinking:


I turn lights off a little longer, slows things down a bit. Nice on @ReikoX she is a monster.