EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Gave you a quickie too, Bro! That purple lemonade sounds tasty. Is it an auto? Never grew gelato but I grew blue gelato 41. It was just okay until about a year in cure, suddenly it was this delicious Kool aid flavor and pure fire that friends of mine kept asking for more of. Weird.


If I recall the blue was gelato x mint gsc


Still growing @Meesh but I know @Mr.Sparkle made some seeds from them. Yep autoflower. Strong Berry smell from it.
I had a plan where Iā€™d grow autos instead of photoperiod plants as Iā€™ve not had the time to dedicate to my plants like I used to have. Work and my injury is stopping me caring for them properly. Obviously my plan hasnā€™t worked out as Iā€™d have liked BUT Iā€™ve spoken to my boss and told him about my issues and he agreed to allow me to cut my hours back to 3 days a week until Iā€™ve had my referral at the hospital. Gives me more time to care for my plants. :+1:


Hopefully that injury is getting better! The autos I grew outside in winter were shit. I knew they would be. 1 eaten by aphids, 1 tiny didnā€™t bother to trim it and 1 is pretty tiny but hanging to dry now. May get an 1/8 ounce out of it. Lol


Something is better than nothing I guess :rofl:
Iā€™ll grow 4 autos at a time in my 60x60 from now on to use the seeds up. I donā€™t think they like full on rdwc for some reason but my laziness hasnā€™t helped them. Iā€™ll finish this grow and just do photo fems in my big tent from now on. Lesson learned the hard way :rofl:
Looking forward to seeing your outdoors plants this year. The Jacks Rainbow throws a lot of colours in flower. A lot of purple, blue and red along with the usual green. Hopefully you grow a huge one out :v:


Well, if itā€™s weather dependent it will stay green. Doesnā€™t cool down enough at night here by harvest. The OG Kush autos turned purple in the winter though. That was pretty cool. First time I got color.


They throw colours without temps dropping. Nothing like the rainbow kush pictures Google shows though :rofl:

Someone has some good photoshop skills.
I guess weā€™ll see later this year how they look.


Ooh! I hope so. Only had Mr. Sparkles autos go purple on me naturally. That would be super cool


Iā€™d love nothing but purple Buds if I had it my way. Purple sells fast even though the thc content is much lower.
Enjoy your day @Meesh Iā€™m off to bed now 1.23am here :rofl:


But now itā€™s almost 7am gmt & about 9pm hst :slightly_smiling_face: so I thought wow the only people I can call at night are in the UK or nocturnal folks but of course the accents & ridiculous intā€™l phone rates make me realize OG is better if actual communication is the goal. :wink:



I knew a guy who would use a purple sharpie on them back in the day.


No you grew some dank.


That picture is what I pulled from Google @Hemp. Supposedly how rainbow kush Buds look :rofl:
Someoneā€™s obviously tampered with the photo to enhance the colours.


Yeah I know that. If it did look like that Iā€™m sure it would probably be I like for $100 a seed. Lol. Iā€™m not that old. Lol

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I grew one :point_up: purple lemonade a couple of months ago and it was, ok - not too much yield and if I grew more purple Lemonade autos - id probably be selling ( not selling atm.) them - as purple bud is quite rare where I am.
I much prefer hash to flower - i also have some weed sitting in my freezer in some Ethanol - some of the bud was fresh frozen and some was decarbed - its been sitting in there for like maybe just under a year ā€¦ hopefully itā€™ll be good oil once i filter it etc.

Anyway enough of me rambling. Lol ā€¦
Do you still want me to send you some of the Purple Badlands, i still have a pack left .?!
You can let me know ā€¦

Talk again later mate.
Gaz. :facepunch:


Yeah mate Iā€™ll still grab some. Iā€™ll shoot you a dm a bit later. Iā€™ll see if I can feminise some at some point this year. :+1:


Think the autos are done.
Ghost rose


Purple lemonade

Trichome shots of the ghost rose.


Well done :+1::seedling:


Nah they are ugly plants bro. I didnā€™t do them the justice they deserve. I fucked up multiple times. I need to get my head in order and do better as Iā€™m letting the OG team down. Grows are supposed to go better not worse. Iā€™m growing more of the ghost rose outdoors. Just planted some so watch this space :+1:


Peach tree. Been under 12/12 for 4 days now.

Hoping she performs :v:
Iā€™ll keep bending and tucking as she stretches to get the net filled a little more