EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

For me I’ll likely pull the tent into the garden plant and all then burn it :rofl:
You know the main issue is ME. I don’t care for my plants like I really should. They don’t get nearly enough attention they used to get.
We’ll see how the big tent does but if I have more issues like this I’ll likely give up indoor growing and just grow outside in the summer.
Growing is a full time job ffs :rofl:


Is there any summer in the UK? frech|nullxnull You should stick to autos and fight with mould and multiple pests, I started outside but rapidly went indoors …

Maybe you should just run fewer plants that wouldn’t require so much attention, outside in our countries it’s not a safe option … no|nullxnull


Bro I’ve got 19 plants growing outside at the minute :rofl:
My freedom being taken for a couple of months is worth the risk. These days the police over here just come and take your plants and grow stuff and give a court date that just ends up with a fine and community service hours.
I’ve got a “grow float” I keep incase I need to buy anything so if needed a new tent etc is covered.
Let’s see how these ladybugs do and if I can recover from this mess I’ll be a bit happier and more likely to continue :+1:


A grow float is a great idea. I’ve got a small one of my own.


You can always meet interesting people in jail frech|nullxnull, new business ideas ejem|nullxnull, but food isn’t good …

Hope those :beetle: :beetle: will do their job, I wouldn’t wait too much anyway before taking heavier measures … boss|nullxnull


I’ve always had one. I just put £20 a week from my wages and 25% of my “trades” into the float. If anything is left end of the year it helps with Christmas. My float is enough where if needed I can replace everything including the lights if need be :+1:


Prison in the uk is a holiday bro. You go in for a few months and come out with an extra few stone in weight and no longer a smoker :rofl: it’s a win win

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Emáil Mike at bug defenders uk ( I think ) , hang sachets then bomb at end of harvest for next run , he’s top bug guy , highly educated in his field , and his stuff is fresh and reliable : ) I wouldn’t buy from elsewhere if he has what your looking for

You can also get spinosad on eBay uk for plants in veg

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I’ve already ordered some predator mites @ifish. Should be here Tuesday. I’ll add them to the grow tent and give it a week or two and see if I can pull it back. Cheers for the recommendation though. Appreciate it :+1:

Do they allow spinosad in your country? Nuke those suckers

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Not sure @Meesh. Got some predator mites coming in the post so I’ll try those first.
If all else fails I’ll bomb the tent.
It’s only one plant and my big tent is only about two weeks from flipping. Ive also got a lot going outdoors. If I have to cull it I will.


Big tent is flying other than the two runts. One of the BTTF#2 is starting to grow a bit faster now.


Looking good there bro.

Hopefully you’ll get rid of the S.Mites - im battling some’ Fukus gnats just now and I hate them, but it’s better than your S.Mite problem mate - i hope you can get rid of them asap in case they spread etc. :crossed_fingers:

Happy growing,
Gaz :facepunch:


:crossed_fingers:bro. The stuff I’ve been spraying supposedly works from inside the plant and doesn’t harm ladybugs etc. I’ve took the piss with how much I’ve sprayed though and plant looks fucked :rofl:

We will see. :+1:


If your spraying just before lights out it should help reduce leaf damage.

I have found even with things like safer’'s insecticidal soap, it can burn leaves up under a light until it dissipates after an hour or 2.


Man what big hands. Happy 420


Happy 420 bro. :v:


Not seeing any more webs. I’ll still add the predator mites once they “eventually” arrive though as a precaution.
I’m about due to do some defoliation at the weekend so I’ll remove the badly effected leaves. :v:


Shouldn’t really open the big tent when my small tent is infested like it is but…

Things seem to be going good at the minute but I’m sure some issue will show its face further into the grow.
Ionic Grow Hydro nutrients at 1.5 e.c.
Ph 5.8.
The Ionic stuff is sitting stable enough. If anything as the plants use up the solution the pH drops but nothing that requires more than a few drops of pH up. :v:


I wouldn’t wait until the weekend to defoliate if possible :pray:, you will down their number and any positive action again those little bastards is worth, webs are the final stage, when you see them it’s too late … :pensive: