EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Shit I’ve been caught. :rofl:
The uk has been fucked since before this war. We opened our borders and allowed anyone into our country. Our government broke us giving asylum to other countries. I bet if asylum wasn’t a thing the uk would still be thriving even now.


Won’t disagree there. It was the German / EU model. Flood the market with cheap labour to keep wages repressed and thus inflation under control. The inflation they had themselves caused by filling their and their banker mates pockets.


The uk has now started to notice the error and the Albanians are gonna be our focus and be deported if any have a police record from their original country.
Australia has the right idea. You can’t enter our country unless you can contribute to our system. That’s coming from a country we sent our criminals to as a penalty for wrong doing.


While we’re All being so cheery :joy: about the apocalypse, that plant looks OK enough to me, maybe just some slight imbalance to the feed, & that’s one area I’m still pretty novice at.

Run on sentences, on the other hand… :sweat_smile:

For some historical randomness, archaeology seems to suggest that after the ice age groups of European humans were moving all over the continent— the map I saw looked like a spaghetti Rorschach :thinking:.

And deeper still, we’re all apparently African in origin :thinking: as a specie of hominids.

But yeah. I lock my doors for a reason. Strange, the open-border supporters that I know do too. :thinking:



We’re all a rabbid bunch from many lands.
I’ve no problems with that.

Its more, once a group has been a collective for a long period, they’ve worked together as a nation state to pay taxes, build infrastructure, raise standards.
Most of that was not an easy pain free process, all of that came with sacrifice (usually at the expense of the plebs). What gets my goat is other nation states that sat on their laurels, let their own back yard go to hell, but now expect handouts and to enjoy the benefits that our forbearers laid down for us.
Cake and eat it comes to mind.

So i guess it just comes down to. Are you a contributor or a scrounger.
If the former, I doubt most people would have an issue regardless of colour or creed.

But back on topic… What would be your best guess on the deficiencies ?
I’m assuming its the slight crinkle and light streaks you are referring to?
What is TMV when its at home?


I’m hoping the plant just grows out of it. It’s siblings are doing fine. TMV is tobacco mosaic virus. It’s not documented that it effects cannabis yet but most of our senior members are sure it does.
The plant in the picture is seeds from discreet seeds. Its their own version of stardawg so likely untested and unstable. They were cheap :man_shrugging:
I’ve worked since I left school. It pisses me off that my taxes pay for people that seek “asylum” are granted access to this country and that its “ME” that pays for it. Its not a racial thing either. The more me allow in the higher our taxes inflate.


Nor argument! I was just steering the collective away from a subject that many of us could go on about for ever; My best diverter tactic with friends is to point out neither of us are policy-makers & can barely influence those around us. :sunglasses:



Great way to look at it :laughing:


Not much to report on the Stardawg.
Grow tent could do with being a bit warmer so I’ve turned the radiator behind the tent on and set it to 80f on the valve. Now sitting in the low 70s within the tent. Hey they are growing fine so :+1:


We need a new strain that will grow and flower around 45F, for growing in the winter cheaply. Has that arctic weather front from Iceland arrived yet :thinking:


Yep it’s here. Been snowing for the past week. In moring when I get up it’s -3.
Getting shit off the boss for refusing to work in it.
Shoulder is giving me hell.
Work gloves just make things colder.
I may have to call it till the new year at this rate. :thinking:


We are surprisingly having some mild weather for the time of year, just hovering around plus 5 to minuses at night, today it was -4 this morning, -2 atm. Yeah damp and cold don’t do my bones any good either. My fingers suffer a lot now as well, freezing hands and feet is miserable to work with, the feet not so bad, once they go numb they stop hurting lol. You need your hands with some dexterity though, so we would wear about 3 pairs of cotton gloves and just swap them out when they got wet.

I am very thankful, not having to do that minus 20 shit anymore, my eyelids would freeze shut when you turned into the wind lol.


I’ve ordered a couple of 12 hour pocket warmers from zippo.
Should help hopefully.
I’m 45 now @Shadey so I really should be taking more care of myself than I do.
I think from now on I’ll save a little bit each month so I’m able to take the uk winter season off in the future.


Yep that’s a good plan, you need a winter slush fund, pun intended :roll_eyes:. A lot of construction people here take the winter off, the gov are very flexible with our equivalent of the Dole. If it’s a seasonal type job the companies will normally lay you off and leave it up to you if you want to work it or claim or both lol. That way if it’s a complete nightmare you can stay home and not go so broke lol.

My back has improved a lot this last month, been collecting dead fall tree limbs and cutting them up for firewood, but keep over doing it and having to take it easy again, it’s like going to the gym and pounding weights and then not being able to move for 48 hours lol.

I need to get some grow tents set up, really starting to get the itch for fresh weed and almost out of shrooms as well. Things in the new place are taking shape, getting a better feel for the place and what we can and can’t do.

I could not have chosen a better place for what I want and expect to manifest here, so long as I can keep getting healthier and stronger. When I fucked my back 3 months ago I was contemplating getting a bow flex, to try a little bit of a more isolated muscle resistance training, but don’t want to tempt fate again lol.

We got another doggo about a month ago, the wife has been wanting another one as the one we already have is getting on and has bad separation anxiety, so we thought it might help her out as well. I was really not looking forward to it but it’s worked out really well, he is a 5 years old Boodle and really good natured, knows all his commands. Man can he run fast, he is built like a cheeta lol, I am terrified if he goes near our woods when I am throwing his ball, and he sees a deer, he will be gone.


I’m glad things are finally falling into place and going as planned for you @Shadey.

I was for a while contemplating getting a new mut. Had my eye on a beautiful Cane Corso puppy but it took me back to when I lost Jess my bullmastiff and the heartbreak I went through having her put to sleep at such a young age. I was near enough suicidal. They become more than just a pet don’t they??

I had to Google what a Boodle was :rofl: I honestly thought you’d made a spelling mistake.
English bulldog x poodle. What an unusual cross :v:


He is a English Boxer x poodle bulldogs have short legs and he is pretty lanky in the legs lol.

Thats why I was hesitant getting another one, when our older one goes, she is 14 years a month ago, its going to be heart breaking to say the least. They just dont live long enough, and its like losing a child for me.

Our older dog Izzy has definitely gained a new lease of life with the new dog Odin, she wants to go for walks again and is chasing balls but not well, as her hips are as bad as my neck, but its great to see her enjoying life more, and the exercise can only do her good if she doesn’t do too much like me lol…


I’ve got both of my 2 bullmastiffs ashes here with me. When I pass I’ve asked for me to be cremated and the 3 of us be mixed together and scattered around Whitley Bay beach as I used to take them both there regularly and had good times walking them along it. :v:


I’ve owned and lost 2 English Mastiff’s. Miss them every day… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


English Mastiffs are stunning bro. They are just a little big for the properties I’ve lived in. Bullmastiffs are just smaller versions really but probably slobber more :rofl:
If you own any kind of mastiff breed you need a decent steam cleaner in your pet arsenal :+1:


Know all about it. “Slobber love” after they eat and drink they love to share it with you. Head goes right in your lap lol