EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

You never seen a “Hide Behind” those little guys that peak around corners, hiding behind things. lol


Nope not at all. Shitter really.


I’m starting to learn the ropes of the shroom trades too, what strain is that bro?


John Allen
John Allen Spore Syringe - 100% Viable Psilocybe Cubensis Mushroom Spores - Mushly.


I use mushly and northspore for grain bags and dung substrate. They’re boomer bags rock. :100:


The wife and I started to re dose ourselves last week after a year of not feeling the need. After the first new dose about 0.25 of a gram Mrs Shadey started crying uncontrollably. Lasted about 10 minutes and then she said, wow I don’t know where that came from but I feel so much lighter and better. It’s been a very stressful 8 months for both of us, but more for her, although now its turning into a great year :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s surprising how much stress we slowly accumulate and not realize is constantly present, although I am normally quite aware of my own anxiety levels, it still shocks me sometimes how quickly it can build up if I don’t deal with it asap.

I will be starting to grow more shrooms soon, I am down to my last 4 or 5 grams. I just need to find somewhere consistently warm in our new house to start them off. My seedling grow cabinet would be a good choice but its with my old neighbor an hour away and to big to get in the car :slightly_frowning_face:

We had our 3rd dose last night and I feel great this morning slept 11 hours, if it wasn’t for our new doggy jumping on the bed to remind me it was time to play ball outside, I would probably still be asleep :sleeping: :joy:


I love the next day I after I dose


Well shit I won’t complain about inclement weather :sweat_smile: here but man I was stressed taking my dogs to a boarder for a day; she lives about 200’ from a 55mph road & I had to work hard to suppress paranoia. Had to fly to another island to see a doctor though. 🤦
Hard to not think of oleskool & my mom when I got a no tongue cancer diagnosis. :+1: not a big believer in afterlife but it sure is pleasant at times. A cousin of mine is soon to exercise assisted suicide at age 90ish & it’s an awkward goodbye. Not super close but enough. Weird. Onward Through The Fog



I never knew you had suspected tongue cancer bro. I’m glad it came back negative and your alright :+1:
I lost a younger cousin a year ago to bowel cancer. Within 3 months of diagnosis he was gone. Needless to say it’s a hereditary condition so I’m in for a delightful new year as I’m booked in for a full check. :flushed:


Flipping in a few days as I think they are big enough now. :+1:


Damn, look at them moving. Tight as f nodes. They really like the kelp foliar and supplement don’t they?


I didn’t foliar but did water them with the directions from the bottle directly into the pots and also added some to the autopot res mate. It certainly increased the growth rate. Kelp will now be a constant addition to my nutrient stock. Its cheap AF and works wonders.


Yep, I will never not use it again. :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol: you should look at mega crops sweet candy too.

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My only worry is a build up within the autopot lines creating a blockage. I’ve been adding Dutch Pro Keep It Clean to the rez so that should hopefully help. I’ve noticed megacrop also blocks the valves every so often so I’m gonna go back to Ionic in bloom. Being a liquid based nutrient that should “limit” the salt/sludge build up.


I use overdrive mate. Makes things extra sticky.


If I ever get my indoor gear set up, I want to try overdrive.


It’s expensive stuff but the increase in trichomes is off the charts. Doesn’t help with flavour though. It wouldn’t be economical with your outdoors plants but indoors it really increases both smell and weight. :+1:


A couple of the Autopot float valves keep sticking and luckily it’s made the pots run dry rather than overflow. Had a good read around about the issue and found that organic matter on the silicon inserts can create a sticky enough layer that the floats can stick and not release. Megacrop will no longer be used and back to the ionic salt range. Luckily I’m checking them daily as I’m a bit paranoid the trays will overflow.
Flipped to 12/12 2 days ago.


God damn!! God damn the dope man!!! That’s a beautiful site!!! :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


That plant front right (black cherry moonrocks) I’ve a feeling is gonna be a pain to control. It’s a total beast. I’ll likely move it to the rear of the tent. Stuffs mega green and healthy and to be honest I think it’s got a lot to do with the kelp bro. :v::call_me_hand: