EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

You heading to Newcastle @Bob13???

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Yeah man im there at the moment


Itā€™s good to see someone made an easy way to stop the tent sides sucking in when the extraction fan is on. I had to mess around with duct tape, 3x1 strapping and little blocks of wood on my tent 3 or 4 years ago :unamused: Plants are looking great man :star_struck:


Yeah they are a great idea @Shadey. Think Iā€™ll order some at the weekend. They will be useful to tie strings to to support the weight of the colas if stuff gets too heavy. You could even weave the poles through a net if your scrogging your plants.
Thanks for the positive comment on my plants. Being stardawg they should yield huge. Iā€™m more excited for the black cherry moonrocks for my vape. Being purple punch x cherry pie the flavour should be mega. :+1::v:


Lifted the light to see if I can get a bit more stretch going.
No issues for once.
Plenty of bud sites showing.
Next weekend Iā€™ll get in amongst them and strip all the lowers.


Those are looking GREAT man!!! :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


They stink bro. For being discreet seeds own version of stardawg and likely untested Iā€™ve had no issues from the plants at all. If I get through the entire grow without any problems from the plant I think Iā€™ll put another order in and do a personal feminised seedrun with them. :v:


20 days from flipping to 12/12 today.
Things are gonna be interesting trying to strip the lowers at the weekend. I can barely squeeze myself between the autopots to get to the leaves.
Stuff up top is looking perfect.
Ph 5.8
E.C/PPM = 2.2/1100.
Noticed yesterday the floats are still sticking. I think Iā€™ll lay off the kelp from now as itā€™s the only nutrient thatā€™s organic Iā€™m using.


Everything is looking flourished and happy as f. Props. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :100: :fire: :peace_symbol:


Bro they are definitely running away. Iā€™m stressing about defoliating them this weekend. Iā€™ve over did it. I think 6 plants vegged for longer is the way forward next grow.
Bought the seeds for it. Purple stardawg :love_you_gesture::v::+1:


Canā€™t turn back now lol :rofl:


Not gonna. I told everyone Iā€™d make this grow count.
Iā€™ve checked what my solstrips are pulling at the wall. 556w so the power draw has dropped but not enough to cause issues. Iā€™ll re wire it for next grow.


You got this!!! the real fun is coming up :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :100: :fire: :peace_symbol:


Great looking level canopy, everything is looking good man.


Sorry for the late reply @Shadey but Iā€™m stowed off with work at the minute.
Yeah the plants are growing extremely well. Got plenty of bud sites showing. I only fimmed them once at the 3rd or 4th node. Iā€™m really struggling with humidity here at the minute. The colder weather made me close the windows so no air circulation. Itā€™s that bad the ceiling corners are showing black mold. Iā€™ll clean it all tomorrow. Iā€™ve opened the windows again for airflow. Itā€™ll drop the temperatures to below 60f with the lights off but they ā€œshouldā€ still grow fine as long as it doesnā€™t dip bellow 50f.


The autos.
Donā€™t laugh. Theyā€™ve been really neglected and fed whatever was available easily at the time.
2 ghost rose x cookie devil from @Mr.Sparkle

2 gelato auto from discreet seeds.

Mango smile x LRUV from @firehead. These stretch massively. Had to bend the main stem to give the other plants a chance.

A cutting put directly into coco of the Stardawg Iā€™m currently running in my big tent. It must have roots growing as I can pick it up from the stem and the pot stays stuck to the plant


I hit 11c today :partying_face::vulcan_salute: youll be fine dropping a bit in temps if this is my high in temperature


Yeah they are staying above 60f bro but weā€™ve supposedly snow in the coming weeks.
The black mold Iā€™ve addressed once already. Requires airflow through the room to stop it happening.
I lent my ex boss my dehumidifier to dry out a house that his rubber roof leaked into to pull the moisture out the walls. He didnā€™t hear back from the customer so he didnā€™t go back for my dehumidifier. I canā€™t be arsed to go see him about it to argue about why I left so I guess Iā€™m gonna have to buy another one. šŸ¤·


Your big tent is really looking good mate ā€¦:facepunch:.

I see you have a cutting of Stardawg - is that the ā€˜Manchester cutā€™ from cola - Or from somewhere else.?

How many plants are in your bigger tent .?
Good luck defoliating them. :ok_hand: !

Happy growing mate.
