EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

It’s stardawg bro. I open the tent and it fills the house with what I’d call well over ripe fruit. Not the typical statdawg odour if I’m honest but it’s definitely enough to get you into trouble when it’s in your pocket and out and about.


Sells itself is what im hearing :rofl: lookin good mate


I’m around plants 24/7 and usually I can’t smell much. This has my attention. I tell you what though. I’d rather have just grown the black cherry moonrocks instead of the stardawg as that plant is ultra healthy.


Yeah it’ll do well. You know I’ll be sending you a q up as long as I can control the odour bro. If anything I’ll keep it close and meet you half way up or I’f your down this way we’ll do it that way if possible. You know you wanna try my weed :laughing:


Yeah man yours is always grown well cant wait to try it, sensible way to do it for sure if we can.

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I agree, I’m going to see how Mega Crop 2 - part A and B work for me this outdoor. If my plants are as nice as last year. I am sticking with it. Mega Crop. My supplements will stay the same. I use those in small fractions. I spent 250.00 on foxfarm nutes for last years outdoor. I can do it for less than 65.00 with Mega Crop 2.


Looking good and starting to stack and fatten up nicely man.


Yeah they are doing well @Shadey. They will be 6 weeks from flip tomorrow. Its around this point when I start to add Overdrive to the nutrient line up but I feel its not needed this time as the Chempak 4 and 8 is doing an excellent job.


I am glad you found something that works well, these different ferts that I see growers use seem to be hit and miss in how they work with some strains.


Yeah they are dude, i think mine would work much nicer if i actually had a ph pen but this new line im running seems alright


The Stardawg cutting and 3 Purple Stardawg.
Up potted the Purple Stardawg seedlings into 3 litre fabric pots yesterday. The cutting will just remain in the 2 litre plastic pot. These are being grown in my 2x2x6 grow tent. Since I’m limited on space in that tent I’ll give the seedlings until Friday to recover and set some roots and then I’ll flip them.


Wow that looks Nice ESrgood4u


Thanks @MissinBissin.
I’ve really struggled the past few years with my grows as I was running full rdwc but couldn’t find enough time to keep the plants healthy so I moved back to my autopots and now things are back to how it used to be.
I’m into week 6 now with around 4 ish more remaining.
I’m fighting high humidity constantly but seem to be winning the battle.


I’m at the other end of the scale.

Trying to produce enough Humidity and maintain the level, without tripping-out the production of Humidity…

I can keep 40 steady, 50 steady, and then its spikes past 70%…

Ohmm, looking for that Perfect humidifier for a 4x4, 3x3. The only ones I know of that are Worthy are all North of $700




This is the monster if humidity perfection. Buddy used these in his 7000 plant greenhouse…

Now a single one removes the issue in smaller tents. I’ll find the name. These guys need to make a Mini…


I use this one set to permanently on rigged up to a sonoff TH16 when my humidity is low. Its an ultrasonic humidifier and it only cost me around £30/$36.

It holds around 4 litres of water. Requires filling daily but that’s not a big issue. I use it in my 4x4 when needed.


I’ve run into nothing that will reStart itself, after a Controller reaches its Set/Pt…

Here is the name of that one brand…


That looks like it would be hell to use. 25 gallon/day output and a 1 gallon tank, for $500? I guess if you had a dedicated water line running to it, with a float to control it…

As for restarting with a controller, I use this with an Inkbird and haven’t had any issues. It’s probably because there’s a physical switch controlling it, rather than just pushing a button. Digital is more likely to require setup every time after being powered on, as far as I know. When I bought it, it was on sale for $30.


Ok, well Hot Damn its in the Basket !

On demand, thats about the only aspect of the $500 unit i could see.

Being able to set a target of 63-65% would be… decadent.

Thanks for sharing that info