EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

14 litre pots @Gaz29. They are drinking 47l every 3 days.
The BCM pistils are browning off now. The Stardawg are all still pure white.
They will be 7 weeks from flip on Friday BUT they took a good 10 days to throw pistils so if you count pistils as day one of flower they are 5.5 weeks.
I may not see a harvest till mid march.


Still stacking and seems like the swell has started. :+1:


Black Cherry Moonrocks


And its working Great @Cormoran. Thanks for the equipment referral.

holding some ambitious targets, perfect


I would lose with this one On the signal strength… opposite ends. Still its sharp gear! Thanks for the heads-up @Esrgood4u


Kickin Ass and taking names man!!! :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


My 2x2.
3 Purple Stardawg and straight Stardawg cutting.
Flipped to 12/12 last night as I struggle for space with this tent.


Yeah this grow is going well bro. If I get 1gpw I’ll be happy but I reckon I’ve passed that. It’s gonna be a staggered harvest though to give the lowers a chance.
Stuff is swelling up but pistils still white. Couple of weeks yet
When’s your next grow starting??


May or june depending on weather.

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I need to prep my outdoors ready for April autos. I’m fucking the tunnel off and just growing directly in the dirt this year. Autos on the ready.

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I don’t know what clones I’m growing yet? Blueberry Muffin again for sure. Maybe a CBD strain like Harle Tsu 60/40 indica CBD

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Take a look at “Charlotte’s angel” it’s in seed from Dutch Passion but every grow I’ve seen has yielded off the charts. @Meesh will back me up with my statement. It grows HUGE.

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Please are you happy with those seeds from discreet seeds ?

Even if it’s not stardawg like top dawg, is she good ?

Thank you very much and all the best


Yes buddy. For the price I paid for the seeds and how well they are performing I’m over the moon with the purchase from discreetseeds. I’ve seen absolutely no stability issues at all. I’ve been stripping leaves from the plant more or less daily to allow the light to penetrate deeper and to allow more airflow and they haven’t freaked out at all.
What I have noticed though is a lot of growth variation between them all.
Pistils are all starting to brown off now so I don’t expect them to go the full 10 weeks and the smell is changing and starting to smell more earthy/skunk now.
My light comes on at 8pm (uk time) so I’ll grab a couple of photos and maybe even pull the microscope out and take a closer look at the trichomes tonight.


Thank you very much for the time you spent to answer my question and your help

All the best


I don’t usually flush my plants but I’ve decided to give “VitaLink Finale” a try. They will be 8 weeks on Friday so I’ll pick some up mid week, dump the rez and run it until harvest.
I’ve got the e.c right up to 3.0 so I’ve no doubt the coco will be full of salt residue.


Black Cherry Moonrocks

Seeing plenty of cloudy trichomes so I really don’t think I’ve got long left.

Small tent.
The 3 purple stardawg have some huge leafs for the small size of the plants.


Well have a great afternoon Flushing those Ladies. Congrats on that, cluster of identical buds.

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Cheers bro. Its not a flush as in that sense. I mean the final weeks of just water and a finishing nutrient. It’s not usually my method but I figured I’m happy with how big they are so cutting the food for two weeks won’t effect them. Vitalink Finale “supposedly” helps the plants use up the nutrients it has stored inside the plant giving you a better final product.


Those are looking fire brother. Great Grow!!! :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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Thanks and I understand a nice clean diet to close the show…


I always give them a good shot of Sledgehammer near the end. 4-5 days before. :100:

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