EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

They are looking great man :star_struck: they seem to double their size every time you post a pic. Trichomes are looking nice and milky, as you prefer the sativa effect are you going to wait for some amber to show or just chop straight after your flush whether there or not :thinking:

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Yeah they are really bulking up now @Shadey. Iā€™m just gonna give them a 14 day standard flush with a finishing additive. Usually I donā€™t bother flushing but since Iā€™m happy with their size I figured trying a flush canā€™t hurt. It may even sway my way of thinking on my flushing opinions. We have to try these things donā€™t we??
Both strains are 63ish (9 weeks) days flower. So not long to go now. At one point I was thinking they would go into March but the pistils are receding and browing off now so things are on track for the breeders ā€œstatedā€ times.
Iā€™ll be harvesting all the tops, stripping as much foliage to allow more light to hit the lowers and letting them go another week or so to maximise the yield. :+1:


Iā€™ve looked up 'sledgehammer" bro. Mainly Yucca extract. Itā€™s Ā£25 for a litre here in the uk but easily accessible. Usually I donā€™t even flush the end of harvest but this run Iā€™m gonna give it a try. Buds are fat enough that Iā€™m happy the yield canā€™t get smaller so willing to give a final flush a go. One step at a time converting me yeah?? :rofl:

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Iā€™m not trying to convert you. lol. Sledgehammer does work great for me in Coco/Peat/Perlite. I can micro flush with it every 4 weeks with a micro dose of nutes and give it a good shot near the end with near full bloom nutes. Yucca works like a champ. Same with Kelp supplements.


If its as good as kelp Iā€™m sold. I canā€™t believe Iā€™ve went so long without kelp. I honestly feel you could do a full grow using kelp alone.


Iā€™ve been looking a lot at the TPS ONE and Signal :100: I would have to start Phā€™ing though. :upside_down_face:

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Iā€™m sold on kelp supplements every feeding and regular-proper kelp foliar feeding. :100: :stuck_out_tongue:

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Bro Iā€™m not doubting it grows amazing plants. Itā€™s the cost of them that gets me.
Since Iā€™m halving my grow space Iā€™ll only be running 3 plants in flower at a time in autopots. The valves will be easy to access and clean with a smaller tent so Iā€™m likely going back to megacrop as looking at the chempak water colour puts you off a little.


It does cost a lot. If mega crop does not meet my expectations. I wonder how much TPS I would need for my 6 outdoor clones in 30 gallon pots. :rofl:

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Yeah, Iā€™m hoping I like mega crop 2 part. I am going to mix it up well. Then pull out 6-10 grams at a time and have in a quart zip lock slider bag. So if it clumps up its only that bag. I wonā€™t reuse bags. I will weigh it up the first time. So I know how much is in a little scoop and just go from there. Low and Slow Up Town!!! If I have ever learned anything from growing. Its low and slow wins the race on everything.

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2nd mortgage :rofl:
Megacrop just works and works extremely well if your watering by hand. Itā€™s near enough organic. It just doesnā€™t work well with autopots or blumat type systems. It works fine in full hydro if your willing to run the rez dry and clean it each time you fill it.
Iā€™ve made a strong liquid solution using megacrop in the past that I used to add to the rdwc rez using a ppm/ec meter but it left a sandy residue in the bottom of the buckets.


If I ever get my indoor set up. I will try the TPS ONE and Signal and Silica. :100: That shit has great reviews.

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Bro your outdoors hands down beats any indoors Iā€™ve grown. How much do you smoke ffs?? :rofl:
A single plant youā€™ve grown outside would do me for the full year.

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I havenā€™t smoked more than an 1/8th of each of those 3 strains. I just canā€™t smoke without serious sinus issues. I grow it mainly for oil and to give to friends. This year I know Iā€™m growing the Blueberry Muffin-2 clones again. This will be the first plant Iā€™ve ever grown twice. 5-Star easy. I want to find a couple PHK clones and for the other two clones. One will be the Harle Tsu 60/40 indica CBD and the other a dosido hybrid. Maybe Dosi Punch or Dosi Cheese. Maybe even a wedding cake clone. Or Cake Breath. Something with GSC in it.

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Yeah I donā€™t smoke now either. I vape through a water pipe. My lungs appreciate it. The high is totally different and I can enjoy the flavours more. Supposedly the high from vaping is stronger than smoking. Burning bud puts me on my ass and not be able to talk. Vaping Iā€™ll talk the ass off you. I think they need to reevaluate how thc effects people

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Took part of the Black Cherry Moonrocks yesterday. Letting the lowers go longer

Small tent. Rear right has thrown pistils. Other 2 shouldnā€™t be far behind.


Those look kickass man!!! :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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OuChiiWaWaa that looks Wild @Esrgood4u
Tent envy Bro


Yeah they are getting fat bro. I reckon itā€™s the kelp thatā€™s done it :wink: