EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

They are really swelling now ain’t they??
I’ll be sticking to my autopots from now on I think.


Happy to hear that your jacked about the kelp. I’ve been pre-loading soil with it, and now its in Teas as well.
Still, Your grow is Large


Yeah kelp is where its at. If it wasn’t for @ColeLennon I’d have skipped it. The stuffs amazing. I’ll never be without it now.

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Got a few family issues so not posted in a while.
Got a bit botrytis because of the 100% humidity I was working with. Lost about 25% of the plants because of it. Ended up taking them earlier than id have liked.
What remained looks :fire: though.
I reckon maybe 12oz was salvaged.
I’ll be growing on a smaller scale from now on for personal as the power/electric prices I can’t compete with.


Looks Killer brother.

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Cheers @ColeLennon
I was expecting a lot more yield wise but unfortunately the mold got them.
It is what it is I suppose.
It’s better than my blueberry twist grow at least :rofl:


Yeah, your blueberry-twisted nightmare. :rofl:


I had to take down a Sour Bubble plant due to a bit of bud rot a few days ago - i think it was roughly 6 or 7 weeks in, but i have a decent return drying and I’ll be moving the buds to either jars or my Grove Bags later on tonight. :+1:.

That looks nice bud @Esrgood4u , what’s next in your ‘smaller growing’ future ?

Hope you’re having a good day, bro.
:facepunch:. Gaz


What a shame, it was going so well man. What you got left looks real nice. I guess the gov have found a way to shut down small grows by making power so expensive, people can’t even afford to heat their homes without earning a large income let alone anything else.


You’re a tough piece of leather so I’ll throw the dice & jab you about all your half-gypsy kids demanding financial support… :wink: :baby: :baby: :baby: :baby: :baby: :baby: :astonished: :derelict_house:

Humidity & moths took about a pound from me too. :violin:

:zap: booster cables & a ladder. but. then again, you & ladders… :thinking:

Damn. I’m useless as usual. :laughing:



I’ve got 3 purple stardawg and that stardawg cutting I took flowering out in my small tent bro.
I’ll be stripping my light down and reconfiguring it to fit in a 120 x 60 tent running on a 320w driver. I’m thinking 6 - 7 2700k solstrips and using that tent just to flower. I’ll veg in the 60x60 and reconfigure that light with a 120w driver I’ve got and run it using my 5000k solstrips.
I’ll likely put my HLG-600H-24B on ebay.
I should in theory be able to harvest every 8 to 10 weeks depending on strain doing it that way and also give the plants in veg up to 8 weeks instead of 4 like I have been.

I’d have likely been OK if I hadn’t lent my dehumidifier out to my ex boss @Shadey. Note to myself. NEVER lend out any grow equipment.

Yeah me and ladders don’t have a good track record do we bro. Its over a year since my operation to fix my shoulder and I’m still in constant pain with it.
Trying my hardest to avoid opiates but I’m not sleeping because I’m constantly uncomfortable so I’m drinking heavily to knock myself out and its causing other issues so opiates are looking rather attractive.


Well, there we have it-- I shouldn’t gamble. :man_shrugging: F*ck

I’ll have to go further with my concerned antagonisms. My brother-in-law ODed from heroin, probably an early fentanyl-laced batch off of Silk Road, and I found him dead 4 days after he married my sister.

He was over 400 lbs, had abused oxy’s, likely began with vicodins from a doctor, and having been cut off from legal pills(US doctors made an abrupt 180 turnaround after 30 years of creating junkies), he’d turned to heroin.

I found him face down with a bleeding blue mouth & keyboard impression from being dead for an hour and a half. At that moment only he knew what he was up to, so I was freaking out, cutting off his shirt while calling 911/ems, smacking him to wake the fuck up.

A cop arrived & told me to come outside & talk, told me I was automatically a “person of interest” in the moment, further fucking with my head.

It was the only time I’ve told my father to STFU and get over, NOW.

I watched my sister go from the happiest day to her lowest moments, and could only try to be a medium to absorb pain.

After the police & coroner, etc left, my sister bumped the mouse on his PC & saw a google search of “How do I chop up my heroin”. :astonished: He wasn’t THAT dumb but he could definitely be a DUMBASS and etched that in stone with his actions.

Almost ten years later, my sister is a glowing first time mother, has a stable & very decent husband, and I couldn’t be more pleased with her state.

That event pushed my PTSD to another level. When I hear arguments for legalizing everything, I take issue with it, & have worked with many, many recovered addicts since age 14. I have some credentials & was blessed to learn at that early age, meth, heroin, & coke were 3 immediate & easy ways to ruin my life & guarantee I’d be lucky to end up in recovery at middle age working alongside teenagers making the same $ wage. :chart_with_downwards_trend: :poop:

My family & mother suffered from alcoholism for decades. Half the planet or more has an alcoholic in the family. I know Germans who say it’s the national pastime & beer isn’t alcohol. Had a friend decades ago who espoused pride in being a drunk at age 22, and got a job as a bouncer so he could stay drunk all the time. I couldn’t respect him & lost touch.
I had a brief but enlightening dependence on it around that age too. I was smoking an 1/8th a day at work in the fire exit, and drinking more than my frame can handle as soon as I got home. It was not helping. Self medication is risky even with the experiences & hindsight of time.

I knew I had to go cold turkey across the board & fond a baseline to determine what was bothering me.

Tangentially, an elderly neighbor of mine was on 16 prescriptions at one point, near death, then decided to cut down to the 2 he needed to live. 2 weeks later he felt relatively great, then lost 60 lbs in 2 months.

So in closing I’ll say please try combining Ibuprofen(or whatever NSAID you prefer) with very large CBD doses. It’s damn near an opiate without the high or death.

It’s only because I care that I’m comfortable making you uncomfortable. :hugs: :joy:

:evergreen_tree: Aloha (/əˈloʊhɑː/ ə-LOH-hah, Hawaiian: [əˈlohə]) is the Hawaiian word for love, affection, peace, compassion and mercy, that is commonly used as a simple greeting[1][2] but has a deeper cultural and spiritual significance to native Hawaiians, for whom the term is used to define a force that holds together existence.[3]


Bro that was a tough read and now I have even more respect for you than I ever had before (I’ve always had the highest respect for you anyway as the way both of our brains work we get eachother and we are both blunt AF when we’re trying to get our point across that sometimes it can come across as offensive :rofl:.

I prescribed ibuprofen along with codine phosphate but it gives me terrible acid reflux.
I’ll see about dropping some high cbd autoflowers in the summer and give them a go but I think my body just doesn’t like having titanium/metal in it.
I had my jaw snapped when I was young and had a plate fitted to hold stuff together. They operated from inside of my mouth to avoid any facial scaring and my skin grew under the plate rather than over it so eventually it had to be removed.


You keep upping the ante :joy:

No more spicy curry fo yoo!

At this rate I’ll be telling you to join a vegan monastery & give up porn & football 🤦

Is CBD legal there? Like at a local chemist/pharmacy?

Oy :blush:



Yeah you can get cbd here pretty easy.

@Esrgood4u i totally get where youre comin from iv been mixing cocodamol and morphine when my pain gets at it worst and i cant deal with it and it dont feel good. I got a bit of weed thankfully now so i use that only when im gonna sleep to help knock me out.


Cbd oil can be bought in chemists but nowhere sells cbd flower that I know of.

Cannabis used to help quite a bit but not so much now. Maybe I’ll take a week off and see what happens.

Bro my life’s been rather painful for most of it. Young and stupid along with constantly being high in one shape or form leads to accidents happening :joy:


Small tent. God knows when I flipped.
3 purple stardawg (not showing any purple :rofl:)

Cutting I took from the last stardawg run I planned on keeping as a mom but fucked the idea off and flowered her out.


New tent arriving Friday.


Damn Bro!!! Kick Ass Kind!!! :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


The cbd flower is all sold online for the most part so youll likely just get floor clippings, stems and seeds rather than good sensi buds but its there. I got a new vape shop round the corner with a whole selection dedicated to cbd