EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Cheers @ColeLennon. Sorry not been around much lately bro but normal life’s been getting in the way of things. That 120x60 is good for 3 decent sized plants but I’ll half my power usage growing in it.
This global warming is slow AF. I can’t wait for the day I can plant a seed outside and grow a monster like you do. :+1:


Scotland is no longer the uk bro. Not sure if your rules are different to ours or not. I’ve put up with the pain for a year now so 3 months to grow some cbd I reckon is doable.


Thank you buddy. The cutting I’m extremely happy with. She’s not that tall but shes spread sideways. Original plan was a mom plant and I think how she’s spread out she’d have yielded a lot of cuts but plans NEVER work out especially for me so I just put her into flower. We’ll see how she does. :+1:

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Look into these CBD strains.
I use
Harle Tsu- harlequin x sour tsunami 60/40 indica
Sour Tsunami sativa cbd great for morning
Been using these below this month. If you look around I’m sure you can find seeds.


Bro you know what??? I just posted out all the cbd strains I had to @chronix :rofl:
If I’m gonna grow cbd I’d rather they were autoflowers so I can grow them outdoors In the summer.
I’ve grown an amazing strain from Dutch Passion called Charlotte’s Angel in the past and it yielded mega. I’m sure they do a autoflower version also so I’ll likely grow that out. It’s feminised so guaranteed bud :+1:


Yeah, outdoor would be good. Turn it all into oil and make gummies. I’m going to grow at least one of my six clones a CBD just for oil.



I’ve used Charlottes Web. I like it.


Oregon’s huge on commercial hemp CBD. I have to make my cbd gummies in the winter and use them daily when we have cold rain. I’m good with just the CBD in my THC strains in the summer.


I looked for Charlotte’s Web for my sister in law bro. Not available over here and I’m sure if I tried to import it I’d get a knock on my door. Charlotte’s Angel is the closest to it I could find.
Quick question. Could I make rso from it the same way we do normal cannabis??


Yep, all you do is decarb the flower in the oven. Lay it flat on a baking sheet at 240-245 degree oven for 40 mins. Then freeze it in a quart jar. Freeze some 190 proof and pour it over the decarbed flower and shake and stir with a wooden spoon for 5 mins and back in the freezer for 5 mins. Strain and evap.


I got to jet to Physical therapy. :peace_symbol:

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It would likely be acetone or isopropyl I’d use as our alcohol is limited for some strange reason (it’s likely a good thing as I’d prob drink the fucker :rofl:)



Maybe find a 420 friendly person at a distillery— knew some one who exchanged some flower & berries & got back both on a bottle :joy:

Damn good but too strong for even sipping :joy:

A spoonful of green dragon had my buddy high AF for about 2 days. :dragon:

Chasing the dragon = bad :skull:
Green dragon = good medicine




I make rso from cbd plants, cbd works better vaped, smoked or as a topical rather than ingestion, so I have read in a couple of studies. The liver has a hard time utilizing it, plus cbd competes with thc at the receptor level where as thc has dedicated receptors, so its better to use cbd first before any thc to make sure the receptors are not taken up by thc.

I have been delving into Dopamine information recently due to possibly having the beginning of parkinsons starting, it seems our bodies try to remain in a state of dopamine balance so constantly loading up your dopamine with things like caffeine, alcohol, sugar, weed, basically anything that can cause an addiction, can create a bigger pain somewhere that has a weakness to level off the dopamine response.

So by lowering our consumption of things that excite dopamine production we also lower our pain levels and the opposite of what we would expect. It seems we will experience pain regardless of how much we try to reduce it and likely much worse eventually if we constantly try to keep it lower using drugs or things that elicit a dopamine response.

So I have been experimenting the last month going for as long as I can weed, and alcohol free, sugar and refined carbs I have already gotten down to a minimal level. I have also started microdosing shrooms more often as I find I have no desire for anything that creates a dopamine response for 24 to 48 hours after its use, kind of like a stimulus re set. As I am using weed maybe once every 10 to 12 days atm and alcohol even less my pain intensity level has also dropped, it’s still there but a lot more manageable with just a couple of quick puffs on the vape so I can sleep if I overdo anything that triggers a lot of pain or inflammation.

It’s a bit of a catch 22 situation sadly, I think the trick is with weed and pain management, is not letting it become a habit and using it minimally post pain development, rather than habitualy in case we do create a pain episode or just for the dopamine distraction reward it gives.




Sorry for the late reply. I’m really struggling pain wise at the minute @Shadey. Only time I get any relief is when I drink alcohol and take cocaine together. Luckily I don’t really get addicted like most people. I use both until it goes then I immediately stop both. It’s not so much the pain that gets me. It’s tiredness from not sleeping. I know it’s the worse combination ever but trust me I’ve got it under control.

I’ve noticed this happening with cannabis. Usually I hit it a few times and I fall asleep. Lately though I’ve been taking more and if anything i feel it more. Maybe it’s because I’m concentrating more on getting rid of my pain than I am enjoying being high?
Bro I hope your wrong about the parkinsons. That disease is messed up. I’d not wish that on anyone. Please keep us informed with results etc.
You know your one of my favourite OG family members. :v:


That page won’t load for me but thank you for posting the link :+1:


:rofl: fuck off. Bro if it ever got to that point I’d just end my breathing ffs.
I’ll figure something out I’m sure.


New 120 x 60 tent arrived and got it erected.
Rebuilt my solstrips so they are all 2700k running on a 320w hlg 24v driver.
Put the plants from my small tent under the 2700k. Supposedly 2700k is better for bloom. We’ll see what happens.