EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Nice. I love new toys.


Cheers bro. Iā€™m more interested in how the plants perform under 2700k. Iā€™m hoping on running perpetual. 5000k in a veg tent then moving over to the 2700k flower tent Iā€™ll be running autopots in. Iā€™ve had to half my power usage so this is what my brain came up with. In my brain it makes sense. We all know how shit my brain can be :rofl:


Hi man, no problem, I have been there, all I wanted to do was sit as still as possible and get wastedto take my mind off the pain. Didnā€™t want to socialize, couldnā€™t concentrate for more than 5 seconds from lack of sleep, just trying to do anything was a struggle as you know itā€™s going to make the pain worse.

You got to do what you got to do bro.

OK, so where are you going to be in 5 years, thatā€™s how long I have to wait to see a neurologist here to get tested ffs.

I have already started to treat myself for it, I recognized the symptoms about 18 months ago. It can be cured through diet, healing the gut bacteria and starving out the bad bacteria that have managed to set up home in my brain box which is where all autoimmune problems start. My step mum has it and she does very well controlling it with diet, but being in the UK canā€™t get her doc to prescribed her CBD which is very helpful for it, so I shouldnā€™t have too much of a problem. Once the bacteria are cleaned out they stop interfering with the dopamine production.

I just got a new tent from Mars hydro, itā€™s supposed to be their better quality 1680D tent, every fucking seam stitch around the top and sides has light coming through the stitch holes ffs. Itā€™s coming back down today and going back to Amazon, a complete waste of an afternoon struggling to put it up lol. I hated Mars stuff before I bought it, but was seduced by their reduced sale price, I hate them even more now, lmao I should have known better :roll_eyes:


Iā€™ll still be around in 5 years hopefully mate.
Everybody knows I absolutely detest Mars Hydro. Iā€™m just pleased you bought it from Amazon so itā€™s easy to send back. If it had been bought directly from Mars I reckon youā€™d have had a fight on your hands getting refunded. The company is a total joke and I donā€™t pull any punches when it comes to them.
Your my fitness/health guru bro and Iā€™ve seen in your posts how well educated you are with healthy living and alternative methods of medication/curing/coping with afflictions youā€™ve had/got. :+1:


Both tents are nearly ready. I plan on linking the smaller tent to the bigger one via ducting and a filter as the extractor is a bit big for the 120 x 60.
It should reduce the sides pulling in like they are.


Not much happening. No idea what week they are. Under 320w of 2700k solstrips. I hope they swell huge but my luck is shite as we all know.


Fingers crossed for you man, they look good.

What make of tent issues that, first time I have seen one that comes with middle cross bars to stop the middle getting sucked in. I had to make some out of wood in my last tent.


ā€¦but just imagine if it were emptyā€¦ THAT would be ā€œidleā€ :sweat_smile:

I recently got last years work all stored awayā€¦ realized I had enough to go without harvesting until November-ish, but shaking the compulsion to stop was confusing & difficult. :man_shrugging: The budrot losses traumatized me.

So now Iā€™m idle & bored AF, wondering WTF to do with my time. :thinking:

Seedmaking feels appropriate but I donā€™t have the motivation to do it properly so that seems foolish.



They didnā€™t come with them bars BUT. SECRET JARDIN - DARK ROOM 120 - 120X120X200 - REVISION 3.0 does.


Cheers man, I will see if I can find it in Canada.

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Bro please avoid mars :rofl:
These light leaks ainā€™t as bad as you think.
Iā€™ve never had a bad plant from one.
@cannabissequoia I love you to bits but your still an asshole :rofl:

Budrot can suck my balls. At least Iā€™m honest about it. The crabs not so much. Itā€™s the womanā€™s fault.


I have decided I am going to avoid all of them and build a grow room in the basement. I have sheets of plywood that I am taking off the walls in the room I am renovating atm, so going to paint them white put some 6 mil polythene vapor barrier over them and sandwich the poly between the plywood and the frame when I screw them to a frame. That way itā€™s a custom fit and no light leaks and will probably be cheaper than buying one. I donā€™t know why I didnā€™t think of it before lol.


A little update.
Since Iā€™m flowering on 2700k Iā€™m finding the Buds are growing further down the colas. Donā€™t know if 2700k has better penetration or not but itā€™s certainly making a difference.

The stardawg cutting is doing extremely well. Since Iā€™m hand watering these plants I figured Iā€™d use the remnants of my megacrop on themā€¦


The fan and filter im using on the 120x60 is extreme even on the lowest setting so I linked the two tents together via ducting and a smaller filter inside of my small tent. Hoping the filter in the small tent keeps any light leaking through to the bigger one as I plan on perpetual growing. Small 18/6 big 12/12.

Both tents together only run around 500w total.


Whatever your doing, donā€™t stop. :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


@ColeLennon running the 2700k just for flower ā€œseemsā€ to be working. Weā€™ll see in a few weeks I suppose.
My homework has lead my to believe that I can veg with 50 to 100w of high kelvin light for a few weeks then move them over to 2700k should increase both yield and quality. Doing this has also more than halved my power usage.
Iā€™d not count this as my test run though. Iā€™ve got some GSC on the way in the post Iā€™ll veg out in my small tent then Iā€™ll move them into the 120 x 60 in the autopots and see how they do. Iā€™ll be growing in a pre mixed compost with coco though so I donā€™t have to fuck about with PH.


Glad you found a way to reduce your costs, I veg on 150w over a 2x4ft area and if I get the light below 16 inches to the canopy they will suffer. I think 2700k is probably the optimal flowering wavelength, I went with 3500k on veg and flowering as it made life easier if I needed an extra light in the flower room, and 3500K is supposed to be the best of both wavelengths for flower and veg.

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I plan on perpetual @Shadey. I can veg out 3 plants in the small tent for 2 months if needed then move them over into the autopots in the big tent. In theory it should cut a month off each grow if I grow an 8 week plant.
Higher kelvin in veg is better and Iā€™m running 5000k in that small tent at 50w ish but can push it up to 120w if need be. Then Iā€™ll move them over to the bigger tent and hit them with the 2700k at 320w until they finish.

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I did every 5 weeks as I usually flower for 10 weeks, so I had a harvest every 5, but if something screws up everything gets thrown out of whack lol, and itā€™s mayhem trying to to cram plants in when something is not ready to come out :laughing:

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:rofl: stop knocking my theories lol
I know plants donā€™t finish exactly on time but more often than not they can still be taken and have the desired effects.
With the prices of electric over here at the minute Iā€™m doing everything I can think of to keep growing as I love this way of life BUT I canā€™t keep doing what I do if I canā€™t make it work money wise. My electric I pay for unlike most uk growers. I work it out to what Iā€™ve spent on power. I sell what I grow until I get it back then anything left is mine and profit.
Growing here you get your equipment taken. If you steal electric thatā€™s prison. Iā€™m trying to hover within them 2 situations :rofl: