EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Yeah I’m sick too. I would be placing bets on it. Does he like it? Is he crying? :rofl:

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wtf, are you aenemic? low iron maybe? sorry hopping in so late here


Bro I’d be the giver :rofl:

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No I broke my shoulder and had it pinned. I’ve been having a lot of issues since and that bruise keeps happening.


@Calix he keeps bruising it from the weird way he beats off since he broke his shoulder. :rofl:

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I’m right handed :roll_eyes: that bruise is worse but I know how it happened

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Have your doctor do an MRI and see what going on from the surgery.

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I’ve had a ct scan and it showed normal. I honestly think I’ve got an issue with titanium being in my body.

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You want to find out. Don’t fuck around with chronic bruising ie blood clots. Not to freak you out. Seriously tho, you have to find out.

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It doesn’t say it was a success to me, I think I would get someone to take another look at it with x-rays, especially if its tightening up, and pulling on your neck muscles and spine. If your not banging that area, and it’s just happening then you have some internal bleeding going on. How long since your op, where the bruise is, is right at the end of the triceps, where the tendon and ligaments attaches the muscle. Are you doing a lot of heavy pushing movents with that arm. I can’t think why that would be affected from your shoulder injury unless it’s over compensating for the shoulder injury weakness.

I get something similar as your arm bruise, on my left leg, after a motor bike accident, it was laying on my leg for 20 minutes before I could get it off. I think it crushed the artery as it looks like a varicose vein now and has been bruised pretty much constantly since.


It’s not a blue bruise it’s red so I think your right. I’ll hit the ER tomorrow.


Lmao, no he’s from up north the Scots are a bit further up and are blue white lol.


I gave up work @Shadey
It’s under no stress at all
I quit about 6 weeks ago. The bruise is only a couple of days old though. I’ll go to the ER tomorrow as now I’m slightly worried


Your fine man, just go take care of it.

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I can’t have any foreign objects in my body, my immune system goes nuts. 24 hours of wearing a hypo allergic earing and my ear will look like a cabbage lol. Stitches will just swell and tear and get infected. That’s why I don’t want the neck op and all the screws and plates, I think it would just make things worse.


I had a plate in my jaw my body didn’t like. The skin grew under it and I had to have it removed. Fitting the pins in my shoulder was a 4 hour operation and I was in a sling for months. Guess that’s in my future again. :roll_eyes:


They got all kinds of new shit now.

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I have quit nicotine/vape/smoking, but that is a ridiculous law for sure.


Well I wouldn’t jump to conclusions just yet bud, it might be something easily treated. If your vitamin C gets low people will bruise very easily.


think about what you just said, young man

:man_facepalming: :cookie:

:evergreen_tree: :joy: