EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

I saw a Dr Bugbee article on light the other day and he was saying the less blue light you have in flower the bigger the harvest will be, and if that is the case, more buds means more smell, I find they smell more in hotter temperatures.

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It certainly is. :+1:

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Thank you. Cheap assed seeds from Discreet seeds.
They have a BOGOF offer on and the minute on their in house strains and I’ve just ordered a 4 pack of Runtz so I’ll end up with 8 in total. You also get a free Tastebudz Black Apple Fritter seed and you can also select a free seed of your choice from a list. I chose a Fastbudz gorilla cookies auto. All that came to just £15 and £4 postage.

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This is why I decided to run just 2700k @Shadey. It supposedly increases your yield massively BUT the lower Kelvin can cause excessive stretching.
I don’t think you could veg under 2700k but I’ve got my small tent to veg in.


I noticed my yields dropped after switching from a HPS to the 3500k leds, I thought it was me causing it somehow lol. I might build a new flowering light instead of using just the one for both. I will just switch out the strips on the frame and keep them for vegging spares or maybe re purpose altogether for shrooms and micro greens.


Go for it buddy. If you don’t you’ll always have that nagging doubt in the back of your mind.
I always knew 2700k was better for flower and knew I could rebuild my solstrip rack using just the 2700k strips.
I have plenty of spare strips as I’d bought the remaining stock Cola had in his possession for a good price.
My veg/small tent is running 4 5000k strips on a 120w driver dialed back to around 80w. Vegging plants don’t require as much light.


I have that photone app too. I’m not too sharp so I don’t know what my numbers are suppose to be. What are you aiming for?


75000 lux is the absolute maximum amount of light required any more and all your doing is waisting electricity.
I was half pissed last night when I dialed her back so wasn’t as precise. I’ll dial it in again later tonight when I can be bothered.


After tweaking the pot on the driver I’ve got the levels just about perfect to grow without co2 supplementation. If I see any light burn or bleaching ill raise the light slightly.


I’ve no idea why but the stardawg cutting is stretching again even though she’s not far from finishing. Unusuall. :thinking:

Purple stardawg. Still green but smells awesome :ok_hand:


Those look awesome brother. :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Your light values will change depending on your plant load and reflectance, like myself I can dial mine in when empty but if I have a decent canopy that LVL is a decent amount lower so I just end up ballparking it, then my plants stretch and mess it all up lol.


Quick little update.
Purple stardawg just doing their thing. Pistils starting to turn brown with them so a good while yet.

Stardawg cutting can’t hold its in weight.

Stardawg cutting bud. :snowflake:


Looks like your will have some serious dank in what, a couple weeks or three? :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


I don’t know how long the Stardawg clone has been in bloom but it seems to me that it could be taken anytime from now til a week/10 days.?!

Looks solid nugget, what’s the smell like .?

I think the purple Stardawg has 20+ days left .?!

Is the ‘Stardawg’ a good smoke / and is it similar to the Purple Stardawg you have/are growing .?

Have you got plans for outdoor autos again this year and if so, what you gonna run .?

I know, lots of questions, but i am a nosey fkr. Lol. !
Have a good one mate.

Happy growing peeps …


Either do I :rofl:

Easily mate. I’m in no major hurry to take them.

I don’t usually like anything with Stardawg in it @Gaz29 as it usually has me tripping balls BUT I needed something stronger to help with pain. The purple stardawg I’ve not ever tried before so I figured I’d give it a run.
The smells from them is like an old wet sock that’s been allowed to dry out. Smells a lot like body odour but elevated.

Got a few autos started in the small tent I plan on putting outside soon as I can be bothered to till the garden. I’ll likely do it this week if I can get @Ghandisflipflop to pop up with his tiller for an hour.
Outdoors autos.
@ReikoX Ghost Rose
@Mr.Sparkle Ghost Rose Cookie Devil
@Hydro921 Durban Sunrise
Seedstockers BCN Critical XXL
I’ve also got a 3 pack of Fastbuds Gorilla Cookies to germinate and put out.


Likely a week left on the stardawg bro but prob 3 to 4 on the purple stardawg. I’ve got 3 GSC and a Black Apple Fritter seedlings growing ready to replace them all as soon as they are chopped.


Update on the purple stardawg.


Swelling flowers brother. Looks fire :fire: :100: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Cheers bro. The colas seem to be filling up more under the 2700k don’t they??
It’s not gonna be a huge yield as I started them and planned on finishing them in my 60x60 but moved them over around 2 weeks into flower to my 120x60.
The gsc is around 14 days old now and the black apple Fritter is around a week old. Plan an up pot end of this week and a few weeks veg under 5000k then directly over to the autopots under 2700k.
If all works out ill shave a 1/3 time wise off each harvest. growing perpetual like this. I may even stagger it out so I’m harvesting a single plant every 2 weeks or so eventually.:crossed_fingers: